Official Off Topic Thread

aw thats cool Jax! sounds like you got a good man there..

on an unrelated note.. I broke up with my bf 2 days before xmas (he was pissing me off for quite a few weeks before hand) and I got to keep the Little Britain DVD I had bought for him :headbang:
Do you need someone to fly to Aussie to comfort you and help you get through this hard time?
Haha, good point Jax. But i don't really want to start dating someone who's more valuable. Not that i have anything against dating a hot 30 something year old... but you think she'd have the patience for me? Pfft, not bloody likely :lol:
Girls often aren't..we become more valuable as we age (and get wiser) though. ;)
you girls are plain evil. :p

Ptah, why did you wrote down a song like Octavarium? Why not A change of Seasons or Stream of Consciounsness?
Or do you really consider Octavarium as a kick-ass song?

You can say that the story of this Alzheimer guy is quite sad. But it's sad for his friends and family, not for him. Don't you see how happy he is?

btw... Happy New Year!
Stick with this one, Tubbs McGee.

I have been thinking about changing my username to ibyabyg as I have done on several forums already. Alas, I will lose the Star One reference by doing so.
Stick with this one, Tubbs McGee.

I have been thinking about changing my username to ibyabyg as I have done on several forums already. Alas, I will lose the Star One reference by doing so.

No! No! Not the Star One reference!!! That would be a tragedy!
I can't wait to get back to work tonight..I've had zero luck adjusting to being awake during the day & have spent most of the last week and a half dozing off at inopportune times (especially sucky when my sweetie was here for the weekend & had to sit & watch me sleep more than once..gah). Lame..gimme back my third shift groove!