Official Off Topic Thread

My turn to bitch......yesterday i/we paid "the man" nearly $3000 to cover my brother-in-law's outstanding fines that he had warrants was that or he got 90 days of potential manlove at Goulburn Jail/Gaol.
At this point in time i can't see him ever paying us back and although it doesn't amount to our life savings its still a big chunk that we could have used.

and on that note.... my stupid idiotic 69 yr old alcoholic father could end up having a holiday in one of south aussies finest "holiday homes" soon. he got busted for dui (dwi for you yanks) back in may and lost his licence for a year, and twice since then for driving without a licence. now he's terrified he's going to end up in jail (suck eggs i say) and have the book thrown at him.

the stupid old fart thought that seeing as he got done for dui waaaaaaay back in 1979 that it would never happen again. the surprising thing is that its taken nearly 30 years for the cops in murray bridge to catch him again....

the rest of the family doesnt give a rats and think its about time, and i agree with them, and none of us are going to pay any fines/penalties he will incur because we have a snowballs chance in hell of ever getting anything back (he still owes my mother for our xmas lunch at a pub... they arent together). he'll probably lose his licence for at least 5 years and then will have to resit his drivers test. he better invest in some walking shoes, haha!!!
Sorry, that sucks :( However, just to be nitpicky, we DO have dui and dwi. DUI is driving under the influence and DWI is driving while intoxicated. Not sure what the technical difference is, but it has something to do with the substance being used / how much i believe.
On a lighter note, the murderer of my girlfriends friend has been caught after six years WOOT WOOT

I'm sorry to hear that, and I'm glad that someone's been tagged for it. 9 months was long enough for them to FIND my murdered Godmother, and even longer before her husband went to trial.

On an unrelated note, this is my LAST warning about your sig picture. You need to get it down to 200 pixels high, and 500 pixels wide.
Your sig is 350 X 700, way out of line. I have yet to ban anyone for a sig, most people grumble about & change it. It's not a big deal to do, and this is enforced equally on this forum.

Thanks in advance, I think....

Sorry, that sucks :( However, just to be nitpicky, we DO have dui and dwi. DUI is driving under the influence and DWI is driving while intoxicated. Not sure what the technical difference is, but it has something to do with the substance being used / how much i believe.

I think DUI here covers all substances, drugs or alcohol. But the tests here are better (imo, at least they were last I checked).
Cell phone salesperson. I love the bonuses.

It really sucks though my friend told me they're gonna make ke cut my hair, and it's the longest it's ever been!
I don't wanna!!!

I hate that "selling" business. And there is not any other frikkin job to get the start in my country. Unless you have a dr. degree or something. Even if you have one, you can end up being a taxi driver. Well i don't mean taxi driving is a bad call (i would want to be actually), but everybody is doing stuff, which never satisfies them in any way. And don't get me started about the never ending working hours. There is no life here. Work work work... My cousin works in a fast food resort. And he goes to work at 7.00 in the morning. Now, that's not the problem of course. Guess when he finishes his shift. 10.30 in the evening. Now what about life? There is no life here. I wanna get off.

Ahhh what the hell, i got pissed off out of nowhere. Good luck on your new job.
and continuing the saga of my stupid father... my younger brother went to see him this morning and caught him backing out of his driveway to go get hay for his pet goat... he really thinks the cops wont get him again. its to the point now where someone will have to go take all his cars away from him (he has 3 - 1 vintage that only gets driven on runs, his work van and a station wagon) or weld the doors shut. my brother doesnt think dad will get thrown in jail as ours are over-full, but i think its what he needs... maybe then he will wake up to himself

and dui here is driving under the influence (same as american dwi - driving while intoxicated)... usually alcohol. here in south aussieland the cops can also test for other substances but they have to have just cause. my stupid dad is an alcoholic and a danger to everyone else on and off the road.
i read in the newspaper the other week though that they are thinking of bringing in a drug test as part of the breathalizer test - to be able to standardly test for everything on the spot - because apparently they are finding that while drink-driving has decreased, driving while on pills or coke has increased.