Official Off Topic Thread

I believe it's Michelangelo's Creation of Adam actually..
this is correct. it's actually part of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican.

the reason why classical sculpture and art had small dicks is because they found that to be aesthetically more appealing in those times. no enlarge-your-penis posters. :lol:

as for the use of nudity, it had many symbolic forms. in some cases the lack of clothing indicated insecurity, innocence, frailty, mortality, weakness, purity- among others. it depended on era and context.

why is some nude art and other portrayals 'inappropriate'? i would argue that the difference lies in the intent and motive of the artist for choosing it.
Kenneth R. said:
why is some nude art and other portrayals 'inappropriate'? i would argue that the difference lies in the intent and motive of the artist for choosing it.

this is a good point. there is plenty of modern nude art out there including photographs, and as long as it's tastefully done it doesnt seem inappropriate or disgusting at all..
Ah Kenneth, i must have known you'll come up with something like that. :lol: What could be "symbolic" about some guy's thingy :loco:

Seriously, i am not conservative. I even think wandering around naked on the streets should be legal, mostly in the summer time :goggly: I heard that it is legal in Barcelona. Anyway, i didn't think that "broad" when i made that assumption. I know that nudity could have many different meanings, but who is the one to decide, which meaning was tryed to be stressed in the work. I mean, so lets just cancel all the cencor system everywhere. May be i am a "curse artist", and cursing is an art form for me, so why is cursing forbidden in many places ? I mean, who decides what is an art, and what isn't ?
why is some nude art and other portrayals 'inappropriate'? i would argue that the difference lies in the intent and motive of the artist for choosing it.
You know, somebody told me something very interesting and profound about erotic art.

"Art is only erotic when the beholder finds it to be so."

It's true that Erotica and Nude Art aren't necessarily the same thing, but it still works for both.
turke: there's a modern art exhibit that includes a turd in a jar. is this art? i don't think so. someone apparantly did. so yes, you make a good point. art is subjective and the lines are blurry.

it is up to those in position to exercize judgment to interpret (or ask, if possible) what the artist intended when the piece was rendered, and if what the artist said (if applicable) coincides with what the consensus interpretation by knowledgeable people is. of course, this is all subjective.

but, for example, if someone took a picture of a penis in a vagina and called it art, would it be? some would say yes. some would say no. i'd be in the second group unless the work had some other significant meaning besides the gratuitous appeal.

seemed appropriate
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This is the best thing ever:

The way she looked...-Rest of World-World-NEWS-The Times of India

lots of pop ups, so here's teh story:

The way she looked...Add to Clippings
[ 5 Jan, 2007 1934hrs ISTAFP ]
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BEIJING: A 17-year-old boy in northeastern China was so disappointed with the looks of a woman he met over the Net that he hanged himself after seeing her face-to-face, the state media reported on Friday.

The unnamed teenager first contacted the woman -- known by her chat moniker "Qunjiaofeiyang", or "Flying Skirt" -- using the popular Chinese online messaging software QQ, Xinhua news agency said.

The girl described herself as a beautiful 19-year-old and the pair chatted on the web for weeks before arranging a December 26 rendezvous in the nearby city of Mudanjiang, in far northeastern Heilongjiang province.

The boy arrived to discover the woman far less attractive than advertised and 10 years older than him, Xinhua said.

The boy immediately returned home, lost his appetite, and four days later hanged himself from a tree.

So how ugly was she?
i take it she doesnt look like any of the indian chicks on that shaadi site thats being advertised on the same page..indian chicks are hot :rock:

seriously tho, the kid sounded messed up.. prolly better to not have that DNA passed along to future generations anyway..