Official Off Topic Thread

there's a modern art exhibit that includes a turd in a jar. is this art?

Wasn't there a big ACLU (worthless assholes,imo) bru-haha about an upside down cross in a jar of urine? How about the cartoons of Muhammad that gave Muslims another reason for Jihad...... cross in jar of urine - not art
Cartoons = art.

I remember when someone drew a cartoon of the late Mayor Harold Washington of Chicago, wearing women's undergarments. People went NUTS over it, in a bad way. Had they done it about the current mayor, it wouldn't cause any uproar.

Blaming art for extreme reactions is like blaming Judas Priest and Ozzy for 2 punkasses committing suicide years go.....BOLLOCKS!!!!!!!

I haven't liked ANYTHING they've done since Neal left.

Same here, but I never got to see them..the show I was supposed to see here in GR years ago was cancelled the same day (that was the weekend that I met George for the first time, JayDub, to give you an idea of how long ago that was), & I never managed to get to another one. *sigh*
know whats awesome.. the musical buildups in the last agalloch album.. listening to 'fire above ice below' atm so thought i'd add that one in.. seriously though bands should do that big buildup thing more often in songs. Don't mind me, just finished work and don't have much better to add, except that my department is so like highschool its terrible.. why do girls feel threatened by one another? i've never understood that.. god this bit of this agalloch song is awesome..
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I'm going Ice Skating today!! =D
is that so special?
No really, I can do it every day if I want to...

I saw Oceans of Sadness (BE) yesterday on Frostrock... They made up for all the crap bands that played before them.
Guys, I tried to appreciate Heavy Metal, but I failed... Heavy Metal is cheap and it makes me want to puke. I'm sorry.
It actually is special for me, 'cause for some reason, it's 70 Degrees out in the middle of winter.
Same here, but I never got to see them..the show I was supposed to see here in GR years ago was cancelled the same day (that was the weekend that I met George for the first time, JayDub, to give you an idea of how long ago that was), & I never managed to get to another one. *sigh*

Wow, that WAS a long time ago! We were in our teens! LOL! j/k!

Seriously, the ONE time I saw them was in Milwaukee @ Shank Hall, and they kicked all kinds of ass. It was right after Nick D. toured with Keneally, so I was able to hand him a bunch of goodies. All the SB dudes were really cool. The newer stuff is just missing something, and I think it's Neal Morse.....

know whats awesome.. the musical buildups in the last agalloch album.. listening to 'fire above ice below' atm so thought i'd add that one in.. seriously though bands should do that big buildup thing more often in songs.

Listen to "Not Unlike The Waves".