Official Off Topic Thread

I apologize for lying. I am indeed the mofo accused.

Unfortunately, I still have my cold... I must not have done a good job of giving it.
i read in the newspaper the other week though that they are thinking of bringing in a drug test as part of the breathalizer test - to be able to standardly test for everything on the spot - because apparently they are finding that while drink-driving has decreased, driving while on pills or coke has increased.
I went gaming with some mates and we left 2 guys behind cos they were too baked to even know where they were let alone where we were going, and so we got there and a few minutes later they turned up which was a HUGE surprise cos the fella that was driving clearly had had way too much weed. Anyway we played BF2 and he kept asking what we were doing cos he had no idea. And he drove there and back, not knowing what was going on. Scary shit that is, but it was late when we went back and we kinda led the way so it wasnt so bad.
I've had some wicked virus for almost two months now. I think it's finally subsiding. The worst part was Christmas - my sense of smell disappeared and I wasted some really good beers on a flat palate. Curses. I had a bottle of 120-Minute IPA I'd been saving. I hadn't realized my smell was gone and thought the beer's nose was quite lacking for the amount of hops they have in it. Now I will have to wait till my next trip up to Colorado to find another bottle. Damn it!

And then I had bought a new bottle of (presumed) good Chardonnay for my wife's aunt who was hosting Christmas at her house for my wife's family (Christmas is tough on us - my family's house first for presents with the kids and then to my wife's family's for lunch and gift exchanging, then back to my family's for dinner). We later found out she didn't like wine and instead gave them a sixer of Celebration Ale. I sent the wine over to my parents' house and tried it during dinner. I hadn't realized my sense of smell was gone yet and was extremely disappointed in how bad the wine tasted. I told my wife I was glad we didn't give that wine to Kathy since it sucked. She gave me a funny look.

But then later in the evening I realized my sense of smell had disappeared because of this damned virus and all made sense. It's one hell of a virus though - it's been through my eyes, respiratory, everywhere.

Having little ones at home makes it tough. My son doesn't sleep for beans and waking up so many times throughout each night with him really wears on you and amplifies any colds my daughter has brought home from pre-academy.
You know what? I noticed something very interesting. I want to open it for your opinion.

It is about Mr Fast's signature (don' worry man :) ). I think the original painting belongs to Leonardo da Vinci, or whatever renaissance painter which i don't remember right now. That doesn't matter. The point is, you can clearly see the penis of the man (i think Hercules, isn't he) in the painting. Now imagine if this wasn't a painting, but it was an actual photo of a person, even MrFast himself :). It would probably be against the forum rules, and this incident could even go to a banning or something.

Now i am not trying to say that this picture is against the rules. What i try to debate is the way we think. I am talking about man kind, not just us. This is only one example to the uncertain, unclear mind of human beings. We restrict ourselves from certain things, but we are never quite sure of what is banned and what isn't. We are never quite sure of what is moral, and what is not. Most of us call ourselves moral, but didn't you ever trick some anonymous man, just for a little gain? Didn't you ever think like "what the hell, we won't meet again, so who cares". But when the same happens to you, you can say "where the hell did morality go?".

Now that seems like two different subjects, but for me, they are rooted from the same point. Nothing is certain in our minds, we all live in a quantum world :)

Wow, how did i manage to bring this subject to physics, i am shocked and amazed :loco: