Official Off Topic Thread

I just about give up on people. I'm dead fuckin' serious, i'm on my last thread.

In the last few weeks, i've been completely fucked over by just about every one of my friends in some fashion or another. The biggest one to me, like i mentioned earlier, was that one of my best friends started dating my ex (who's also a friend). That is just so very wrong on so many levels to me and completely crosses the line. And i am trying to be cool about it, but it seems like whenever i try and put it behind me they leave me high and dry. I have finally realized people are just going to screw you over no matter what you do, and whether or not you decide to be pissed about it or accept them for what is inevitably going to happen is your choice. I've gone the route of accepting the fact that people are going to do the shittiest thing possible.

Then, as if in direct response, the other guy who started up doomsday music decided we were having problems without talking to me about it. Instead of being an adult and acting like a reasonable human being, he locked me out. he changed the password to the website so i can't get in to update (and yes, i am the one who does all of the updates), he changed the password to the myspace while also changing a few things announcing that we have been having problems that are unresolved. Hmm, really? Seems like the only problem we have is Greg forgetting to change his tampon.

My apologies for the rant, but this really is bullshit. I'm not claiming to be the greatest guy in the world, and i'm not saying i've never done some shitty things, but this is beyond ridiculous.
Thanks jax. Sorry to come in bitching. Things will work themselves out, but it just is one of those times... ah well, everyone has those days or weeks where it seems like everything goes wrong. Guess it's time to figure out a new webzine situation.
I just about give up on people. I'm dead fuckin' serious, i'm on my last thread.

In the last few weeks, i've been completely fucked over by just about every one of my friends in some fashion or another. The biggest one to me, like i mentioned earlier, was that one of my best friends started dating my ex (who's also a friend). That is just so very wrong on so many levels to me and completely crosses the line. And i am trying to be cool about it, but it seems like whenever i try and put it behind me they leave me high and dry. I have finally realized people are just going to screw you over no matter what you do, and whether or not you decide to be pissed about it or accept them for what is inevitably going to happen is your choice. I've gone the route of accepting the fact that people are going to do the shittiest thing possible.

Then, as if in direct response, the other guy who started up doomsday music decided we were having problems without talking to me about it. Instead of being an adult and acting like a reasonable human being, he locked me out. he changed the password to the website so i can't get in to update (and yes, i am the one who does all of the updates), he changed the password to the myspace while also changing a few things announcing that we have been having problems that are unresolved. Hmm, really? Seems like the only problem we have is Greg forgetting to change his tampon.

My apologies for the rant, but this really is bullshit. I'm not claiming to be the greatest guy in the world, and i'm not saying i've never done some shitty things, but this is beyond ridiculous.

Sorry about your current problems. This is what I would do.

1. Contract some highly contagious disease and have an affair with your ex.
2. Start a new website
Things always have a way of coming around. Eventually, this'll all come right back to you and your Karma will say to you "Sorry 'bout that shit." Zach, you're FTW, would the Gods of Metal really allow somebody so FTW to get screwed over time and time again?
Poor Zach :(... maybe you should change your name back to theodyssey?


Seriously I hope things work out for you. I'm sure they will sooner or later :)
Kill them Zach......kill them all.

My turn to bitch......yesterday i/we paid "the man" nearly $3000 to cover my brother-in-law's outstanding fines that he had warrants was that or he got 90 days of potential manlove at Goulburn Jail/Gaol.
At this point in time i can't see him ever paying us back and although it doesn't amount to our life savings its still a big chunk that we could have used.
Taliwakker said:
You should have dumped him on the 25th....via sms

it wasnt on the 25th.. but it was via sms..

@ Zach - that's really shitty about the zine.. a very similar thing happened to my friend who is a vocalist for a local band.. they decided without discussing with him first that they wanted to go in a softer, more 'butterfly effect' direction (he's a screamer) and one day just dumped him from the band without warning.. the moral of the story.. people are fucking assholes, no matter where you find them.. I like Jax's idea of doing some work for UM instead..

as for the best friend and the ex.. you're obviously better off without either of them as they don't seem to give a shit about your feelings.. and isn't there supposed to be some kind of 'best friends code' about not going after friend's interests or exes?
it wasnt on the 25th.. but it was via sms..

do you still have the message in your outbox/sent messages...if so send me a copy :)...or better still send me your exes phone number and i'll send him a follow up sms reminding him that he is still dumped and down one dvd.

and isn't there supposed to be some kind of 'best friends code' about not going after friend's interests or exes?

once upon a time......
Yeah, i thought there was too. Oh well...

Thanks guys, i much appreciate the support. And beelz, i may have to resurrect the odyssey S/N. And i might submit some stuff here... who knows? I just haven't decided what i want to do yet. I have a lot of ideas for a webzine that i'd really like to do, but it's a lot of work and i'm just so burned out right now.
Thanks guys, i much appreciate the support. And beelz, i may have to resurrect the odyssey S/N. And i might submit some stuff here... who knows? I just haven't decided what i want to do yet. I have a lot of ideas for a webzine that i'd really like to do, but it's a lot of work and i'm just so burned out right now.

If ya ever need help with the zine, I'll throw a hand in. :)
I HATE JOB INTERVIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why isn't there like a file you can upload of you introducing yourself and saying what your'e looking for and all that and they'll call you if it's OK?

Oh, and by the way, exs suck, and so do friends that do stuff like that. You're definetly better off Zach.