Official Off Topic Thread

Ahhhhhhhh, The Sarah Silverman show sucks!! What is with comedy central? This is the channel that has so many great programs like south park and.... well that's about it but first it is the naked trucker and T bone show, which was the stupidest show ever made period, and now this. All I want is another show that is at least semi funny and not completely retarded but no that is too much to ask for. Sorry about my rant...:danceboy:
Actually, Comedy Central really has degraded in programming. I remember the old days with all of those good shows and... well, I can't remember any of them right now because Comedy Central just sucks so bad now! The movies are especially t3h blowz, at least most of them. It's very sad. :erk:
Ahhhhhhhh, The Sarah Silverman show sucks!! What is with comedy central? This is the channel that has so many great programs like south park and.... well that's about it but first it is the naked trucker and T bone show, which was the stupidest show ever made period, and now this. All I want is another show that is at least semi funny and not completely retarded but no that is too much to ask for. Sorry about my rant...:danceboy:
It does suck, but it doesn't suck as bad as I thought it would. I thought it would just be a complete rape of the word humor, but the Nyquil trip in the beginning was pretty funny. But yeah, Comedy Central is definitely not what it used to be. It's still the only channel I watch though, 'cause now they have Scrubs. That show just leaves me rofling for entire episodes. The standup comedy is also worth watching, but the actual Comedy Central shows suck.

EDIT: I almost forgot about The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. Those are my news programs. Fuck NBC and their tragedy. I wanna be a cynical bastard who laughs at the world.
I'll stick with Discovery Channel (Mythbusters, Dirty Jobs, some other ones) and Adult Swim (for Aqua Teen, Family Guy, Futurama, and Metalocalypse) kthx!

I admit, I do watch Comedy Central on occasion, but only when South Park or some other good shows are on.
Discovery channel was good. But it lost its "discovery spirit" when it started to air "fighter planes", "war machines" and stupid stuff like that. Aren't we supposed to discover, not destroy ?
South park is no longer funny either...
Every single episode after the first Towlie episode (with the Okama Game Sphere). After that, it all went downhill. The show just lost is little Mountain Town charm that they used to have back in the day. The scripts used to be amazing, the plots ridiculous, and now, everything is just repeated Jew jokes, and the scripts and voicing were so bad that they were amazing!!!. Now it's all cultural fads and satire. That's not funny. That's just gay.
South Park is like Married With Children was in the 90s..started out as a 'let's see what we can get away with on tv' thing & won lots of fans that way, & then got old because you can only get away with so much & then you have no gimmick left.