Official Off Topic Thread

i just want to say.. YAAAAAAAAAY!!!!! Rafael Gubert FINALLY emailed me back (Akashic singer)...YAY!!!!!!

now I have to think up another excuse to email him again :devil:..

But anyway here is something he told me to check out that he sang on, so I did and it sounded cool..

and he also said Akashic is about to release a 2nd album, double YAY!!!!!

Rafael Gubert = 2nd most shaggable prog metal singer after Russell Allen
Zax666 said:
-Ajren's politics about fan connections is one should listen AND talk to his fans.
-Russwell doesn't seem to have ANY politics about that.


Like they have time to compose complete Q/A dialogue's with every single fan that mails them. It should be proof enough that one person gets their mail answered when another doesn't, unless you sent them stupid time wasting questions. (Not saying YOU did Zax, just an example)
AAAAGHGHGGH!! When will this madness stop! AT school I had to sit next to 'that girl's best friend. No wonder why she didn't wanna talk to me. All her friends are saying the biggest load of bullshit about me to her. She said that they've been telling her that I called her a 'slut', 'big-titted', that i jsut wanted to fuck her', and I've been out with Virginia (the biggest slutty cow in the world) and heaps of other things which just is bullshit!!!!! Man, I'm pissed off. now she really hates me and doesn't want to even hear my name. No fucking wonder!
This is why I jsut wanted to talk to her directly, not her friends and my friends 'told me to tell you' crap. See how it happens!
wow arjen replied.. AND in a week???? shoot thats really great. i never had tried emailing musicians before Rafael so it was sort of a first step in groupie-dom for me. Now I need to think of more people to email.. hehehe
SilentRealm said:
wow arjen replied.. AND in a week???? shoot thats really great. i never had tried emailing musicians before Rafael so it was sort of a first step in groupie-dom for me. Now I need to think of more people to email.. hehehe
my hubby has an email friendship with myke hideous, one of many former singers with the misfits, currently with the empire hideous.
BTW, the comments on Ripper's work in Priest are COMPLETELY different at the Your Turn forum.

They say it sucks and Ripper is being a Halford clone.

Bullshit, f you ask me.
Eeeewww! I got the flu... My mom and Dad has it and i spent all weekend looking after them, and now i got it. It's horrible i tell you. Beeing hot and cold at the same time, beeing numb and aching at the same time, horrible, horrible, horrible! I went to school today and after one hour i went to the sick bay. The nurse said there has been 10 kids gone home for the same reason, a massive bugs going around here. My friend Daniel was away from school for 4 days last week 'coz of it. My twin friends were supossed to come come over on Saturday, but they too got the flu and were also away today at school. A teacher was away all last week 'coz of it (Unfortunatly it was a cool teacher, why can't it happen to shitty teachers!) And another 10 kids have also gone home from school coz of it before even listtle lunch!!
NOw i've got it,... fucking bullshit, it sucks!
The chorus in Evergrey's Fragments are a perfect example of how i feel (both lyrics and mood)
Hope you feel better soon, Shreddi. Here's a nice photo for you.

Lisa Marie!!
You dirty old pervert,! But for some strange reason, that pic makes me feel better (Wonder why:p)
Errr, i got zero sleep last night so now i'm worst than yesterday. YUK YUK YUK:erk::ill:
Pharaoh would u say she is better looking, worse looking or about the same in real life? Sometimes pictures dont really do the real person justice, sometimes they do them too much..She is alright looking, but reminds me too much of her father lol. Not that he was bad at all (at least in younger days)
SilentRealm said:
Pharaoh would u say she is better looking, worse looking or about the same in real life? Sometimes pictures dont really do the real person justice, sometimes they do them too much..She is alright looking, but reminds me too much of her father lol. Not that he was bad at all (at least in younger days)

From the side, she looks just like her Dad, she has his curled lip thing going too, very weird. She's very short, about 5 ft tall, and yes, she's beautiful. I wish she would get in a good metal band.