Official Off Topic Thread




Hahaha... fucking hilarious.

cn i hav-take a copi? i <3 simfuny ekz!

As for the track listing... It seemed believable at first (I wanted to believe it!) but looking at the final track, DIVINE WINGS just sticks out... maybe someone or even the band is messing around for fun, or perhaps paradise lost is heavier cause it's just a compilation of re-recorded SymX songs in death metal style.:lol: :kickass:
Let me just say that there is SO MUCH that goes on behind the scenes that dictates how things happen here..we're not at liberty to explain it all & it may make things look odd to you, but suffice it to say that there are legitimate reasons for everything we do here. Some may make sense to you and some may not, some may be explained & some explanations may be none of your business. The bottom line is that we handle things in the manner that the band and Gunter (the band's manager) ask us more and no less, that's just how it is. I know it's frustrating at times, but trust me, it's 1000x more frustrating for us more often than not.
It's cool, I didn't think it looked right, which is why I titled the thread 'Is this Legit?' rather that 'ZOMG TEH KNEW SIMFONE X TRAKLISTING!!!!!'

Quite funny actually, I made that thread just before bed at about 11:30pm or something, woke up the next morning to check if it had been answered, and it had disappeared... :lol: I guess that in itself answered the question sufficiently... And no offense taken J-Dubya, yer doing a good job mate! :kickass:
100th post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anywho, read this small excerpt from a metal website (article dated June 2002):

"SYMPHONY X-vocalist Russell Allen suffered inner bleedings in the gastro-intestinal area due an accident happened on the exercise of a hobby."

So Russell roughed himself up somehow? If anyone has some additional info. that'd be great.
100th post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anywho, read this small excerpt from a metal website (article dated June 2002):

"SYMPHONY X-vocalist Russell Allen suffered inner bleedings in the gastro-intestinal area due an accident happened on the exercise of a hobby."

So Russell roughed himself up somehow? If anyone has some additional info. that'd be great.

Knowing Russell, he probaby was slain in an epic duel...
Ya big tease!

I had a good time as well. We went out for beers after work for the first time in I can't remember how long. The brewpub across the street had a freakin' awesome Saison on tap as a seasonal. I wish they'd add that to their regular rotation.
Glad to see I wasn't the only one who had a good night. Metal night at The Smiling Moose last night, my favorite bar. The DJ was spinning kickass (for the most part) old metal vinyl, and I was downing 'em like water... waaay overdid it. I think I might die at work in an hour.
lolz...did anyone else get any nasty PMs from that Michael Romeo dude? In that setlist thread he made, I commented that he must be called a troll often...apparently that really set him's what Mr. Eloquent had to say to me...

"hahah your so funny...fuck you mother you little faggot bitch. Id stomp your goddamn face if I saw you"

Pretty much confirms our assumptions about him :lol: