Official Off Topic Thread

Happy b-lated B-Day....
Don't forget to register for the draft, it's the law.... :)
Heh, this is the only reason why I'm glad I have diabeetus. I don't think they can draft me in that case, but I'm almost positive that I still need to sign the papers and etc. At least, that's what my dad has told me (or maybe I mixed his words up?).

Anyway, tanks and helicopters again guys!
if you are going to college and you fill out the FAFSA, then you will automatically be registered with selective service. It's kind of a "check this box that says you want us to register you or don't bother sending in your FAFSA paperwork" kind of thing.

Besides, I really don't see a draft happening so I wouldn't sweat it a whole lot.
that is the most heartfelt bday wish ever

Oh, shutup! :lol:
He's, IIRC, another "flee America" kinda person...
I don't hate Tubbs, and I do hope he had a happy birthday. Since he mentioned he was 18, I figured I'd mention selective service requirements.
Soon as I got out of class for the day, I went to my PO and regestered on my 18th b-day so MANY years ago! :) ( I was also one visit away from signing papers to join the USMC, when I bailed, and was hounded until I was 25!:ill: )
Oh, shutup! :lol:
He's, IIRC, another "flee America" kinda person...
I don't hate Tubbs, and I do hope he had a happy birthday. Since he mentioned he was 18, I figured I'd mention selective service requirements.
Soon as I got out of class for the day, I went to my PO and regestered on my 18th b-day so MANY years ago! :) ( I was also one visit away from signing papers to join the USMC, when I bailed, and was hounded until I was 25!:ill: )

just giving you some shit, sweeti...uh:ill: ....J-dubbs

Yeah, recruiters overly relentless in my opinion. I appreciate (to an extent) what they are doing, but goddamn those guys can get annoying. I scored almost perfect on my ASVAB in high school or it was in the 99% percentile or something (I can't remember how they list the scores) and it took me months just to reduce their hounding down to one phone call or letter per week. Then, back in April they had some representatives from the Army band come to the school to give a presentation and hand out pamphlets...I asked for their information brochures and chatted for a few minutes. Just based on my first name, they went and talked to my department head and left a bunch of paperwork with him to give to me "in case I wanted to join right away". That being said, I've always considered joining the Air Force band if things don't look like they are going so well in terms of a job after college. It's not a first choice though.
I remember turning 18.....on the stroke of midnight i asked the bartender/owner (who'd been serving me for the past 3 months) for a free shot cause i just turned 18...he just gave me a "you could have got me a big fucking fine" look...:)
an update for those who have been following my epic tale of the school fucking up my shit and have been on the edge of their seat waiting for more:

So it turns out that even though I have written and signed documentation from the financial aid director saying that all stuff was in order and they had everything on account, and even though he said the same thing to me over the phone back in May, AND even though he told my mom the same thing when he called to verify my mailing address back in their saying that the applications were never fully completed. So, I called the lenders and apparently what happned is the school failed to finish their end of the paperwork within the 90 period, thus voiding my applications and nobody at any point saw fit to inform me of this. So, I had to redo everthing, then I Rick Roll'd the Financial Aid director via e-mail, and I called the dean (good friend, he's very much a grandfatherly figure to most of the students there) to explain the bullshit that I've been getting from everyone along the way. So now I've got my money situation completely taken care of, the Financial Aid director has been effectively Rick Roll'd, the Dean is going to lay the smackdown on the entire department, and I'm sitting here eating this delicious steak sandwich I just made.

Fuckin' win........:Smokedev: