Official Off Topic Thread

Seeing as my name was just mentioned. It was a tasteless thread, but I delt with it straight on and gave the "review" a review. I did see the warning this morning and thought it was odd or a double standard, but none the less, I have nothing to do with its direct removal but may have aided indirectly for giving crudeness back to crudeness. It was in my opinion a totally unecessary show of dialog and was glad tonight to see it got the hook. I have since checked out Epica and they are not for me but I can see that some people might like them and apparently do. I can live with that.

There was an open invite for others to give their opinions on the album. Few people did. And your "review" was something like "oh i read 2 sentences and you're an assbag who's never going to get laid" or something similarly childish.

And i could give two shits about if someone else likes it. My job is to review the album, not be a pussy and say "oh man, i really had an unpleasant time listening to that album, but they are really trying to put out the best material that they can and i can understand that people would enjoy them". Fuck that. A review is an opinion, and if the person reading the review is too stupid to understand that, maybe they should start playing in traffic with a plastic bag over their head.
haha, wow I was wondering where that thread went.. I wanted to see what smart ass'ness twist it would take today..sadly it was gone :(

Zach is right though man, you didn't review you directly attacked him! Mind you doomsgay sack directly attacked epica... but reviewers do have to be brutally honest... #1: I havent heard their new album so i cannot argue with anything zach said... #2: I don't particularly like epica, but I mean loads of people do... My only argument was those who do like them, it is not because Simone has breasts.. She has a beautiful voice amoung other beautiful features... such as her breasts lol!

anyway, how those dipears doing for you zach?+
DoomsdayZach said:
Charis is right... i'm secretly madly in love with v_liz. We're going to get married...

I didn't say you were in love with her.. secretly or not so secretly.. :lol: I just said you wanted to talk to her.. there IS a difference you know.. unless.. *thinks* you DO talk to ME constantly.. is there something you're not telling me zach?? :oops:
No need to get all "pissy pants", or "butthurt". The stated intrepretation of what was meant by my post is far more elementary than the point I actually made. Now I stated my piece during the topic and replied here so everyone would know I did not contact a moderater because some might interpret JDub's post as an indication that I did. I'm sure many people got their hair up over that one as I'm sure people got thier hair up over my responce. Whats childish appears to be a matter of opinion and I have no problem dropping this subject. Sorry for all the distress.
No need to get all "pissy pants", or "butthurt". The stated intrepretation of what was meant by my post is far more elementary than the point I actually made. Now I stated my piece during the topic and replied here so everyone would know I did not contact a moderater because some might interpret JDub's post as an indication that I did. I'm sure many people got their hair up over that one as I'm sure people got thier hair up over my responce. Whats childish appears to be a matter of opinion and I have no problem dropping this subject. Sorry for all the distress.

I in NO way meant to implicate you as the complainer....
It's all water under the bridge.....
v_lizzy said:
Pah. Well I went onto MSN deliberately last night to say hi... and just about sucked a couple sentences out of him before he had to leave. He doesn't love me at all Charis....he loves yooooooooooooooouuuuuu!!! Waah! :cry:

*runs off to cry into my pillow*

:lol: he probably ran off to fap
Alright alright, I'll fold. I'm good too... this is the Off Topic thread... we're supposed to eat, drink and be merry! *gets fat, drunk, passes out, and gets robbed/gang raped*


And i'm so sorry for running off, but i had an audition... woo, got in the band! Playing germany in december... WOO!
The band is called Skelator. Good ol' power/thrash. These tunes are so fucking fun to play and the guys are a blast to jam with. I'm absolutely fucken excited.

Besides, with songs such as "You've Traveled Many Miles (For A Heavy Metal Show)" and "Death to the False", how can you go wrong? This band rules.
J Dub, you seem to be building lots of bridges lately to put water under... Does it not tire you out? :p

Do you know where I live? I have PLENTY of water lately, and bridges are easier to build than boats, or islands... My area is a mess, and today, by O'Hare where I work, a badass storm blew through and literally blew the glass out of the revolving door in the lobby. I can't even see the airport from my (soon to be evacuated) office...
So, apparently somebody is trying to hack my Steam account. They *GASP* put new games on there and then I changed my password! Hah! I win! I got 6 junk e-mails asking for password verification this morning, which is hilarious because it means they entered the old password over and over again and it kept screwing up so they asked steam to give them a new password. The only problem - all of the verifications they thought they would get got sent to my e-mail address! I love stupid people!
How silly of me! My brother just called today asking if I changed my password on my account. I completely forgot that I gave him the info to it about a year ago so he can use it as well. This explains all of the added games on it and password recovery messages. OOPS! :erk:

Nevermind. He's not stupid. Only sometimes.