Official Off Topic Thread

WELL.. let's not jump the gun on that one!! Bush called him straight away to congratulate him on winning and said he 'looks forward to working with him soon' and now Rudd is going to the states to meet with Bush.. Let's hope its just while he susses him out, but no point in speculating just yet.. see how it goes..
people, people, people.... their all the same and not worth the cost of their keep....... nothing will ever change..... keep watching the circus and you will see. If anything changes its just an exchange of one insane set of problem for another.

I like to quote ELP regarding such matters

"welcome back my friends
to the show that never ends
we're so glad you could attend
come inside, come inside"
Exactly. I mean, you could also argue that writing your own songs is more fun, but sometimes you just want to rail on a fun rockin', non-technical cover. To me that's how guitar hero is. It's completely different from playing guitar, but it's a fun game nonetheles.

I realize that this conversaton is dead already, but I'd like to add that I completely agree with Zach's side of the issue. The people who are missing the point (if there is one) are the guitar players who somehow feel threatened or offended by Guitar Hero. I mean...I'm as serious of a musician as anybody, but a fun game is a fun game (granted it is entirely possible to just not enjoy the game....such as in my case because I suck at it pretty hardcore). I love going outside and playing basketball or football, but that doesn't mean I'm going to condemn the countless NFL and NBA games out there. I like that it's exposing people (particularly young people) to a lot of good music they wouldn't have been interested in otherwise. Sure there are going to be idiots that are going to assume they are awesome at guitar because they can play guitar hero, but it wont be any worse than the people who think they know how to do Karate after watching The Matrix. I could honestly care less if it distracts young, would-be guitar players.....thinning out the herd for the rest of us would probably be a good thing at this point.

At anyrate, this is a fad. Remember 3 or 4 years ago when you'd go to the mall and the line for DDR would be wrapped around the food-court and you'd trip over some asshole in fingerless gloves and drop your 5 piece tender combo from chik-fil-a all over the floor? That didn't last too long....this probably wont last much longer than that did.
w00 went and saw Paul Galbraith and the Brazilian Guitar Quartet last night... :rock:

Loved his 8 string fanned fret classical guitar, but his playing was pretty emotionless, and kinda left me feeling a little cold afterwards...

The quartet were amazing though, had 2 8 string guitars and 2 6 strings, and they played some Brazilian compositions which were awesome, Villa Lobos and some more recent stuff, it was amazing!

They were gonna be doing some signings afterwards, so I went out there, and I was like "hey, there's Slava Grigoryan". "Oh, and theres his brother Leonard". "Hey isn't that the Assad brothers?" "Oh, theres the guys from the quartet, and here comes Paul Galbraith"... Elliot Fisk was around the place as well as Ralph Towner, Wolfgang Muthspiel and Martin Taylor for the Jazz night...

haha, I love this guitar festival, so many of the world's best Classical Guitarists in one place... :D

Spoke to one of the Assad's (the younger one with the ponytail, not sure of the name) told him I'd be seeing them Friday night, they're such awesome guys!

I want an 8 string classical guitar now... :lol:
^ Thats sad to hear. Their cover of Cum on Feel the Noize has always been my favourite in jukebox of the local bar. :kickass:
Even though I'm a bit late I do think there are pros and cons of guitar hero


Gets people who wouldn't listen to the greats of guitar listen the greats of guitar.
Fun (for the people who play it at least).
Preppy kids who play guitar just as another chick magnet will stop usually, therefore at least killing a few chances of a shitty local band forming.
Can introduce you to some good songs.

People act like its something to be proud of, like as much as good guitar skills (I mean I wouldn't go around acting as if my Megaman skills are worth shit)
When you're having a band meeting, and your friends play it it is so annoying. I mean you can't play by yourself without disturbing others (or at least I can't, I like my amp loud) and it just stops work from being done.
Encourages some people to play the instrument too many people already play. A decent drummer or bassist these days will have a much better chance of being in a band that makes it big.
Lots of Anti-Guitar Hero people go around saying "people should just play real guitar, blah blah blah". Its a game, people choose to play it, get over it, thats almost like telling a Zelda fan to pick up a sword and kill real monsters.
Even though I'm a bit late I do think there are pros and cons of guitar hero


Gets people who wouldn't listen to the greats of guitar listen the greats of guitar.
Fun (for the people who play it at least).
Preppy kids who play guitar just as another chick magnet will stop usually, therefore at least killing a few chances of a shitty local band forming.
Can introduce you to some good songs.

People act like its something to be proud of, like as much as good guitar skills (I mean I wouldn't go around acting as if my Megaman skills are worth shit)
When you're having a band meeting, and your friends play it it is so annoying. I mean you can't play by yourself without disturbing others (or at least I can't, I like my amp loud) and it just stops work from being done.
Encourages some people to play the instrument too many people already play. A decent drummer or bassist these days will have a much better chance of being in a band that makes it big.
Lots of Anti-Guitar Hero people go around saying "people should just play real guitar, blah blah blah". Its a game, people choose to play it, get over it, thats almost like telling a Zelda fan to pick up a sword and kill real monsters.

We are now friends. Both because of your Zelda reference (dead on) not to mention the Megaman talk. Megaman rules. Original 6 ruled, 7 and 8 were sweet. X-X4 were awesome as well, but that's pretty much where i stopped playing.

This especially strikes a chord with me because i JUST finished going through the first two Zelda games (and their respective second quests, though Adventures of Link is more of a "don't even try on the first few levels" as opposed to a "second quest") as well as A Link to the Past. Fuck, those games are timeless.