Official Off Topic Thread

I was playing Link To The Past.
lol, I've been playing that again on my ZSNES emulator...right now I'm on the 3rd crystal in the Dark World :D

OK, so yesterday at work I won an iPOD Shuffle (1GB). I already own a kickass Archos 60GB MP3 player and have nice Sennheiser phones to go with it, so I thought about maybe hocking the iPOD. But after consideration, I'm gonna keep it. It's ridiculously portable (read: tiny), the earbuds fit suprisingly well and have decent sound, and it could come in handy at work when on overtime (we can use headphones after midnight). Also, I found a little iPOD hack that allows me to completely bypass that iTunes crap, so there are no restrictions, and I can use it like any other USB mass storage device :)

*awaits Ken's comments* ;)
@Harris: wrong, it rocks (unlike Orphaned Land) so much I'm going to post it again.

It'd be fucking cool if they all worked in an adult body. I think it's interesting that we humans stifle all (potentially beneficial and potentially harmful) mutations from the norm. It seems like that'd be a bad evolutionary plan of action, and lo and behold - who gets lots of diseases and health problems while most animals have few? Humans...

note that this random thought is not to imply that they should have left that girl with 8 appendages or that people born with 3 hearts and 6 eyes should be let alone without surgery if their condition risks their life and well being, but rather it is to imply that we seem determined to carve ourselves into a mold, and carve our environment to suit that archetype. what's wrong with that? stagnation that leads to low diversity, which leads to high risk of extinction of us, and in the environmental case, everything else. oooh doomy doomy. but to an extent it's very true.
It'd be fucking cool if they all worked in an adult body. I think it's interesting that we humans stifle all (potentially beneficial and potentially harmful) mutations from the norm. It seems like that'd be a bad evolutionary plan of action, and lo and behold - who gets lots of diseases and health problems while most animals have few? Humans...

note that this random thought is not to imply that they should have left that girl with 8 appendages or that people born with 3 hearts and 6 eyes should be let alone without surgery if their condition risks their life and well being, but rather it is to imply that we seem determined to carve ourselves into a mold, and carve our environment to suit that archetype. what's wrong with that? stagnation that leads to low diversity, which leads to high risk of extinction of us, and in the environmental case, everything else. oooh doomy doomy. but to an extent it's very true.

See ken, when you explain your points, they make sense and are valid! And this is good stuff man. Though I think it should have gone in the FUCKING INTERESTING TOPIC!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol:
it still works well enough, but it hurts bad as shit and will probably just snap soon enough. I'm coating it in super glue now just to make sure it doesn't snap between now and then, but I've got a classical guitar performance on wednesday, so I'm going to go get my nails did and have an acrylic nail put on I think.
It'd be fucking cool if they all worked in an adult body. I think it's interesting that we humans stifle all (potentially beneficial and potentially harmful) mutations from the norm. It seems like that'd be a bad evolutionary plan of action, and lo and behold - who gets lots of diseases and health problems while most animals have few? Humans...

note that this random thought is not to imply that they should have left that girl with 8 appendages or that people born with 3 hearts and 6 eyes should be let alone without surgery if their condition risks their life and well being, but rather it is to imply that we seem determined to carve ourselves into a mold, and carve our environment to suit that archetype. what's wrong with that? stagnation that leads to low diversity, which leads to high risk of extinction of us, and in the environmental case, everything else. oooh doomy doomy. but to an extent it's very true.

I don't see the benefit of having a parasitic twin sticking out of my pelvis. I don't think the little girl did either. Now she will be able to walk. I am pretty selfish - I would gladly take the ability to walk over "diversity" in my body any day. And even in the wild, as referred to, animals born outside the "norm" are typically shunned by the heard and left to fend for their self, or killed outright.

I think we humans get more diseases than other animals because we're at the top of the food chain and we abuse our sciences. Humans ingest a wide range of foods, wherease animals in the wild are limited strictly to the food available to them.

Who on this board uses antibacterial hand soap and actually follows the directions? Who has had antibiotics prescribed for a bacterial infection and not followed the full course? Yeah, so the laypeople who use science improperly have inadvertently created superbugs to kill us all.
Those are all valid points, but I still think we discourage genetic diversity, for better or worse. I tend to think it's slightly towards 'worse'. Like I said, that post is not about just extra arms and legs, but about all forms of diversity. We have an image of what normal humans are, and we prescribe all sorts of remedies to ensure that everbody gets fixed if they don't match up. In some cases this is a good thing because it counters deficiencies. But in other cases, it also kills off potentially beneficial mutations. Things we might not even be aware of like immunities, heightened senses, certain mental or physical abilities that could improve our species. We aren't interested in improvement, we're interested in status quo, yet the world moves forward without us- which is why we feel so very compelled to maintain it at status quo as well, and our efforts are so far quite futile.

This brings me to my other point that I made in another thread - Global warming. Why is this, supposing it actually is happening, a bad thing? I can see us feeling responsible for the extinction of many species (our efforts to maintain status quo in the world and our industrial sprawl are also responsible for mass extinction, but who's counting?) and I can see our laziness in not wanting to figure out how to defend our cities from rising oceans. I can see the typical human response, that egotistical approach of 'why should we change for the world when we can change the world to fit us, we who do not want to even change ourselves - because we feel we are already perfectly evolved. But were the ice ages any less normal than now? There were species then, and there are species now. I think species can survive global warming. Maybe not humans, since we're so stubborn, hence the panic. Should we do something about waste? Yes, definitely. Should we do something about ozone pollutants? Definitely, we need our atmosphere. It's not the "warming" that's so bad, after all, or the cooling that coincides with it. It's the solar radiation that we should worry about. The bubble takes care of itself. We just need to make sure we don't pop it. I think, rather than the panic-festival that global warming has become, if we are to focus extensive effort on an environmental platform, we should attack fossil fuel usage and seek alternative energy. That's much more urgent, though even still, supposing we run out of oil without finding a solution, humanity can still proceed, if we cast off the ego and adapt for once. Cars won't run, TVs won't turn on, we'd have very little electricity- only that from wind, thermal and water. But life does go on, if we can accept life without all the toys we built.

So no, in summary, I don't think global warming is such a big deal, and I think we should consider carefully the kind of mutations we do or do not tolerate in our society.