I have awesome powers of summoning? Crap, all this time I had no idea...thanks, I'll give it a shotyes.. yes he did.. maybe you can summon him with your awesome powers and get a copy..
J-Dub. I hope things will get better. What happened to your dad really sucks ass, no one deserves such a bad luck.
Ouch, sorry J-DubAs long as we're talking about dads, mine just put in for early retirement...he couldn't stand his new boss, so that made his decision easier, but now he's got 7 weeks of full paid vacation to use up as well, must be nice
So uh.. What's up with this announcement on the main page?
"That potential harm is mitigated if broadcast decency rules were to apply to the merged entity. There is no constitutional bar to such a condition."
This is such fucking bullshit.
Clear Channel can't handle the competition from XM-Sirius, so they're appealing to the government to limit XM-Sirius' freedom to do what they want with their privatized broadcasting.
If you needed yet another reason to hate CC, here it is.
What the fuck ever, as long as people are paying for it, there's nothing that can be done. People obviously want to hear it, this will never hold up.
I'm more concerned about Russel's announcement. Let's take a vote. Was Russel:
A) Drunk
B) Stoned
C) Tripping on Acid/Mushrooms
D) High on Coke
E) Tweaked out
F) A and B