Official Off Topic Thread

So, my kids gave me Lacuna Coil tickets for Mothers Day (the catch - they go with me, lol). I don't have any of their cd's, not really interested in them, although when they played Gigantour out here last year, they weren't too bad. Was looking for something else on a particular site this morning, and I'm greeted with the words "Lacuna Coil has cancelled their Australian Tour, no explanantion given." So it's off to town to get a refund and find something else they can give me for Mother's Day... probably Mcgyver season 5 or 21 Jump St season 3 (or both).
The mountains not far from my house are on fire, & we have 40mph winds that aren't helping, on top of everything being dry as hell. Lovely.

Well I hope you and yours stay safe. Cali must be some place if people stay with all the extreme negatives we dont have elsewhere. Trade off I suppose.
Australia often sends lots of our firey's over because the conditions can be quite similar to the bush fires we get over here.

Hope everything goes turns out ok :)
Welcome to the canyon. Good luck, that's California for ya.

Actually of all the places I've lived, Cali is where I've lived the most (a total of about 32 years), & this is the first time I've had a fire even remotely nearby..I've personally had to deal with many more quakes and floods than any fires.

So far the fire is still just on the other side of the mountains from us, so as far as that goes we're okay, but the air quality has gone to crap; the air stinks with smoke & they've issued health warnings about being outside in it.

KGO 7 News
Google Map of the fire zone (I live up at the top near-center of the map, just to the left of where it says 85 (next to the Traffic Button)