Official Off Topic Thread

The only thing is that I'm still on the fence between the Lonestar and the Mark IV. I've test-ridden them both A LOT and still can't commit to either one 100%. There's also the fact that I kind of want to wait for the new one to come out before I make a purchase. Then again if I buy a used Mark, I'll at least get my money back, though I prefer to buy new. I'm going to go to the shop again sometime this week I think.

Does the Lonestar have the same level of gain?

What are you playing through now?
Just got back from the Prog Nation show in D.C.....

Unfortunately we missed 3 ( really wanted to see them too). We showed up right after Between the Buried and Me's first song. I really really can't stand a thing I've heard of theirs (not even Colors, which has gotten rave reviews all over the place), but they were better than I expected. I'll at least give them a second chance. Those bitching in the other thread about DT's stage presence would HATE seeing these guys live BTW.

Opeth was pretty good. I expected a bit more. There seemed to be an overall lack of energy. Mikael evidently had a cold (he praised how lucky the first row was, and pointed out that if they were extra lucky, he might sneeze on them). He was pretty funny...he said that he was very impressed by our obelisk (washington monument...which is only about 100-150 yards from the venue) and the white house made him feel like he was in a movie. He also played some Tom Petty for us. I don't remember all of the songs, but included in them were:

-to rid the disease
-the drapery falls
-the baying of the hounds
-masters apprentice

(not in that order)
-Heir Apparent

Dream Theater was killer. Of all the times I've seen them play, this might have been the best setlist I've seen and it was probably the best I've seen them perform. Petrucci's tone was way better than it's ever been. I was also pleased that Labrie tended to work around the things he couldn't pull off live rather than push himself to try to do them as recorded and come short. The encore medley was good, but I think they could've cut things shorter to fit a wider variety of stuff into it. Their set was something like:

-In the Presence of Enemies pt. 1
-strange deja vu
-through my words
-fatal tragedy
-never enough
-as I am
-The Ministry of Lost Souls
-Take the Time
-The Dark Eternal Night (only played on that was that youtube video of Super mario bros. reprogrammed with the DT members as characters synched to the song)
-Medley:metropolis pt 1, learning to live, the crimson sunset


Sound wasn't that great, which I really blame more on the venue than the sound crew. Vocals weren't loud enough, mics were feeding back, and leads weren't always as loud as they should've been. Also, the lighting was just bad in general. They rarely bother me at most shows, but they were very distracting (during each bands' set). During DT's set, they had bright white strobes going off during a few songs that literally forced me to sit down and look at the ground for a few minutes at a time. It seemed like my section would inevitably get the lights right in our eyes anytime they were really active. I've got the worst headache right now because of it. I'm laying down as I type this because even sitting upright is painful. The venue was also really uncomfortable. The seats were too small and it was hard to even be able to stand up. I'm definitely anti-moshing, but I at least like to be able to stand up for the show and get into it to some extent, which was all but impossible. Then again, those lights probably would've put me right back down on my ass so maybe it was a good thing.

Good show overall

Awesome! :rock:
Just listening to some kick ass pagan metal and realizing how much power is in some of these words. I mean, this is no news to me, but there's a big difference between having the knowledge and really having the understanding and meaning behind it. The song that prompted this was Amon Amarth's "A Thousand Years of Oppression", but it's also been playing on my mind with songs like Eluveitie's "Your Gaulish War", "Slania's Song" or "Gray Sublime Archon". There's an honest sense of pride in themselves as a culture, their history... totally goddamned awesome.
Did you see the public statement Moonsorrow and Tyr had to make in Europe about not being Nazis? Some crazy political correctness group was bitching about some of the symbols they use in their logos/designs.
Yeah, it has to do with the runes they use in their logos. The Moonsorrow thing was because the S is the same rune that the German Schutzstaffel (SS) used as their emblem. Tyr's logo uses the Tyr rune for the T, which stands for power and honor or something like that. Of course, neo-nazi groups have to take something that is their heritage and personal honor and pervert it to fit their own fucked up, biggoted adgenda.

I seriously hate racist fucks who have to ruin shit :(
Yeah, it has to do with the runes they use in their logos. The Moonsorrow thing was because the S is the same rune that the German Schutzstaffel (SS) used as their emblem. Tyr's logo uses the Tyr rune for the T, which stands for power and honor or something like that. Of course, neo-nazi groups have to take something that is their heritage and personal honor and pervert it to fit their own fucked up, biggoted adgenda.

I seriously hate racist fucks who have to ruin shit :(

Yeah, it just seemed crazy to me that someone would accuse those bands of something like that. :erk:
Well, just as racist people are the scum of the world and straight up pieces of shit, the same goes for those folks on the complete opposite side of the coin. It is just twisting the meaning of things to fit their own agendas, which is bullshit. No one cares about the true meaning behind anything anymore.

Edit: :lol: what's that all about Noble? And what was your name again dude? I can't remember :erk:
Well, just as racist people are the scum of the world and straight up pieces of shit, the same goes for those folks on the complete opposite side of the coin. It is just twisting the meaning of things to fit their own agendas, which is bullshit. No one cares about the true meaning behind anything anymore.

Edit: :lol: what's that all about Noble? And what was your name again dude? I can't remember :erk:


On another note, I'm hoping to try and fly up to Montreal, catching an Augury show and partying with the dudes from the band at some point in the not too distant future.
My real name is Chris.

I was referring to the Moon sorrow Nazi incident. I'm only a little familiar with those bands, but isn't it obvious that they aren't affiliated with Nazi fuckwads? A lot of people seem to be abandoning critical thinking for immediately jumping to stupid conclusions. The world is turning into a giant South Park episode or something.
Just listening to some kick ass pagan metal and realizing how much power is in some of these words. I mean, this is no news to me, but there's a big difference between having the knowledge and really having the understanding and meaning behind it. The song that prompted this was Amon Amarth's "A Thousand Years of Oppression", but it's also been playing on my mind with songs like Eluveitie's "Your Gaulish War", "Slania's Song" or "Gray Sublime Archon". There's an honest sense of pride in themselves as a culture, their history... totally goddamned awesome.

So what are the base of their lyrics about and do any of those bands have singers ?
My real name is Chris.

I was referring to the Moon sorrow Nazi incident. I'm only a little familiar with those bands, but isn't it obvious that they aren't affiliated with Nazi fuckwads? A lot of people seem to be abandoning critical thinking for immediately jumping to stupid conclusions. The world is turning into a giant South Park episode or something.

Ah, i was curious if you were saying that this discussion would degenerate, but you're right (especially the giant south park episode comment)

So what are the base of their lyrics about and do any of those bands have singers ?

Neither Eluveitie nor Amon Amarth have signers. If you want to check on Slania's song, they have a very nice female vocalist for the majority of the vocals with their regular vocalist (a growler) doing small parts here and there and some backing growls.

If you haven't checked out Tyr, they're very good. They DO have a singer, their stuff is very midpaced, but a great mix of progressive and shred parts in some very awesome folk melodies.

Let's see, to address the lyrics question:
Amon Amarth are from Sweden, obviously having very strong viking heritage. Their songs are about battles, pride in ones culture, etc. The specific song i was talking about is essentially about how Christians are supposed to have a kind God, supposed to spread a message of peace and love yet they have an incredibly violent and intolerant view, expecially back in those days. Again, highly recommend reading the lyrics because they are very angry, yet powerful.

Eluveitie is a Swiss band that uses traditional celtic instruments and melodies and sing about Helvetian history. The songs I mentioned cover different aspects of it. "Your Gaulish War" is about the war back when Caeser decided to invade Helvetia and basically try to wipe out their culture for political and monetary gain and lied to his government to get their blessing for the "pre-emptive action". "Gray Sublime Archon" is about one of their higher ups in the army who refused to submit and surrender, which ended up costing thousands of people their lives. While (in the song, I don't know how much of this is historically documented) he has doubts about if he made the right decision to fight rather than save the lives of his people, it illustrates their resolve as a culture and their pride and will. "Slania's Song" is basically a patriotic song about the country and it's absolutely beautiful. The song is in the Gaulish language, but the translation rules.
No doubt the bible has left a wicked trail of blood, but people were into that shit back... not even that long ago if you consider native Americans... but the bible was just the excuse, it was the "gold" of the land we northern (& southern) Europeans wanted.

A similiar story to that you mention of Helvetia and Romans is that of Boudica and the Iceni, very sad, sad story. Surely some band has written a song about that ? Man and his fucking conquest of that which is not his......

I will check a few of these bands out
Oh yeah, I remember hearing about this. I was flicking through the channels and this kids mom was being interviewed on CNN or something. He had something like 50 (I forget the exact amount, but it was high as hell.) detentions before this.

I couldn't ever imagine doing that to a kid. Especially one who has a few problems. I hope that teacher gets fired!
There's definately stuff on both sides of this story. I agree with Glenn that these are five year olds for chrissake! At 5 years old, I was still worried about pooping my pants, much less voting a classmate out. On the flip side of the equation, if the kid has problems/issues he needs to be removed from a common classroom. Period. If he has issues with acting out, functional autism, whatever, he needs some specialized education. As harsh as it sounds, off to the short bus with him!

One of the things I despise about our current society is the thinking that every kid is equal, and every kid is a star. Whatever happened to EARNING stuff? Whatever happened to pushing a kid to make an effort to do better, instead of coddlinig them and forcing them to be equal to all the other kids? I'll use a co-worker's son's baseball league as an example. At the end of the season, they ALL get trophies. The first place team's is no bigger/better than the last place. No, they don't just all get "participation" trophies, it's this way because some kid's parents a couple years back, didn't like that their son was on a last place team, and got no trophy. It's rediculous. Parents can't smack their kids when they get out of line, kids suing their folks for being spanked. The scariest part of all this is that these coddled, unmotivated fucktards are going to be running this country someday, and taking care of your ancient asses when you get old. I don't blame the kids as much as I blame their parents, and this country's educational system. It really is time for some SERIOUS upheaval in this country...Shit, I thought Gen X was (at the time) the worst thing that I saw happening as I got older.....And just in case you all think I lost my sense of humor, the first person to even type "Ron Paul" is banned for a week! :lol:
What does the article have to do with capitalism? or democracy for that matter? You expect 5 year olds to fully understand and appreciate democracy? Come on, consider the source here.
Oh of course they can't comprehend it! That's exactly the problem. This teacher seemed to think that it would be a great idea to let the rest of the class say what they didn't like about the kid and then vote him out like some poorly scripted episode of kiddie survivor. Democracy, even among adults, seems to be misapplied again and again to the detriment of our society. At that age, there is no way that kids can understand what the vote means for them or for their subject.

Not to mention, that it was a public vote and public criticism. Nobody should have to endure the negative outcry of other kids at that age. This teacher goofed period, and it's a perfect example of the misapplication of politics in the wrong place and time that seems to so pervade the way we do things.

And JDub, I agree about the cushy cushy bullshit treatment. Kids need to understand the way things work. But not in kindergarten when it's about learning how to tolerate other people and develop social skills.

Just like the absolutely asinine accusation against Moonsorrow.
RON PAUL .............. lol

I agree 100% with your last paragraph JD and I wont even go off but I have wicked stories... have a 19 yr old daughter ya know... well she was 15 once and if I had a magic wand...........

HOWEVER ! What this teacher did was dead wrong... she created a gang up scene with his classmates. This stuff is to be handled between parents, adminstration and the teachers. If that was my child I would have bitch slapped that bitch into the next county and happily sat my time in jail !

That is irreversable damage she just did to that child. We grew up with a retarded girl on our very street, we were NEVER mean to her. I also have a friend who has a son that is in bad shape, beside autistic, hes down syndrome and quite a few other things. Sweet little fella, happy as could be when hes not "melting down" but other things related to autisim makes him hard to control and when he wants to pat you on the back... its more like being pounded... lol... but he has a big smile on his face.

props Ken !