And JDub, I agree about the cushy cushy bullshit treatment. Kids need to understand the way things work. But not in kindergarten when it's about learning how to tolerate other people and develop social skills.
Just like the absolutely asinine accusation against Moonsorrow.
RON PAUL .............. lol
I agree 100% with your last paragraph JD and I wont even go off but I have wicked stories... have a 19 yr old daughter ya know... well she was 15 once and if I had a magic wand...........
HOWEVER ! What this teacher did was dead wrong... she created a gang up scene with his classmates. This stuff is to be handled between parents, adminstration and the teachers. If that was my child I would have bitch slapped that bitch into the next county and happily sat my time in jail !
That is irreversable damage she just did to that child. We grew up with a retarded girl on our very street, we were NEVER mean to her. I also have a friend who has a son that is in bad shape, beside autistic, hes down syndrome and quite a few other things. Sweet little fella, happy as could be when hes not "melting down" but other things related to autisim makes him hard to control and when he wants to pat you on the back... its more like being pounded... lol... but he has a big smile on his face.
props Ken !
Ok, let me rephrase... I have a 19 year old daughter I wouldnt wish on any man.... lol
One of the things I despise about our current society is the thinking that every kid is equal, and every kid is a star. Whatever happened to EARNING stuff? Whatever happened to pushing a kid to make an effort to do better, instead of coddlinig them and forcing them to be equal to all the other kids? I'll use a co-worker's son's baseball league as an example. At the end of the season, they ALL get trophies. The first place team's is no bigger/better than the last place. No, they don't just all get "participation" trophies, it's this way because some kid's parents a couple years back, didn't like that their son was on a last place team, and got no trophy. It's rediculous. Parents can't smack their kids when they get out of line, kids suing their folks for being spanked. The scariest part of all this is that these coddled, unmotivated fucktards are going to be running this country someday, and taking care of your ancient asses when you get old. I don't blame the kids as much as I blame their parents, and this country's educational system. It really is time for some SERIOUS upheaval in this country...Shit, I thought Gen X was (at the time) the worst thing that I saw happening as I got older.....And just in case you all think I lost my sense of humor, the first person to even type "Ron Paul" is banned for a week!![]()
When I was in school, commentaries from teachers involved telling students the evils of the boob tube; here, distorted Hollywood concepts and practices are brought directly to the youth by those trusted to teach them right from wrong. Very poor work, lacking in originality, yet fraught in therapy-inducing potentials.
I bloody well agree with you there, JDub. I read two books long ago that gave me insights into the points you touch one. The first is called The Nine, written by Jeff Toobin, a CNN reporter, and it details his research on the Supreme Court over the past half century and more. It's interesting to see how he points to the extreme liberalism of the Warren and Berger Courts and how their rulings have left our country in our current state, and the backlash created on the extreme Conservative side of our politics.
The second book is The New Tolerance: How a Cultural Movement Threatens To Destroy You, by Josh McDowell. I couldn't put this book down - most of what I read I see proliferating itself throughout our society. And you touched on exactly one of McDowell's points - that we're accepting every idea and faith as equal, giving credence to any belief as legitimate, and blanketing our children with false praise, a practice manifested in the times of the liberal Court that allowed such diluted thoughts to proliferate throughout our society. What's worse is these attitudes and ideas are being taught directly to our kids through our school system, and many of McDowell's stories are quite scary.
These two books definitely opened my eyes.
Pretty much what people are saying. First off, the teacher is out of line in publicly humiliating the kid, but aside from that, in general people need to lighten the fuck up and stop coddling kids. We played goddamn dodgeball when i was a kid. That's the way it goes.
I have friends involved in school sports programs and you would not believe the stories they have of things some parents have said to them. One was involved in wrestling, we both wrestled 6 yrs back in the day. Its like some parents are from outer space. He told me he flat out told them maybe wrestling isnt the sport for your child, its hard work and thats the way its going to be.
When I was in school, commentaries from teachers involved telling students the evils of the boob tube; here, distorted Hollywood concepts and practices are brought directly to the youth by those trusted to teach them right from wrong. Very poor work, lacking in originality, yet fraught in therapy-inducing potentials.
Hehe, dodgeball was so fun. But besides that, the simplest game like tag has been banned in several schools. Tag! Apparently it was making kids feel "excluded" when they were "it." WTF??
So the teacher was "reassigned." How many times have we heard that one? So sad.
Californication, matriarchal society and super softie donuts
ROFLSmear the Queer !
Dodgeball was for gym class. When I was at St. Norbert's for grade school, we played Smear The Queer (known simply as Smear-em in our neighborhood) out in the asphalt parking lot. Literally tackling. Sure I got my share of scarred knees & elbows, but we had fun. Kids learned to use what they had (speed or size or ...) to avoid getting killed. Nobody died, nobody sued. You just went to the nurse's office to get a band-aid or have some rocks tweezed out. Sadly, even WAYYY back then, it was outlawed by the time I hit 7th grade.
My ex made a comment once that stuck with me as a great cynical commentary on how people think today. And i'll preface this by saying yes.... she was only joking! She's not retarded.its like everyone wants to send the kids in to stare at the TV or video screen........ Christ almighty !
Saw that story on Fark the other day....really is disgusting. Having known people with that disorder makes it even more disgusting for me. I agree 100% about kids being coddled too much. My generation got it more than some of you older guys, I'm sure, but not nearly to the extent kids get it now. I'm really glad I graduated and got out of public schooling when I did.
I took a bite and was like "what is this shenanigans?" Took another bite and realized the sandwich was bunk. So i wrapped it up and tossed it into the garbage, and blood tears I cried, endless grief remained inside.