So, I'm a Installation Systems Engineer for
SkySkan. They're a small company that leads their field, which is building planetariums. They don't make the dome itself, but they make the projectors, server racks, fibers, speaker systems, and various hardware/software to run it all. Not just space stuff either, there's a 3D live world weather simulator as well (way better than the ones the news channels use), and Xbox360 on the curved dome in HD is getting developed too. My job is to fly around the world to countries who want a custom setup, and install/repair. Essentially it means building stuff in another country for a week or so, then either coming home or flying on to another country. And the flyer miles are mine to keep. So, since Australia, China, Nederlands, Hawaii (not a country, but you know), Egypt, Argentina, Brazil, and Germany are on the list for the near future, I may be in one or more of those countries

. I'll get a company laptop and a blackberry with international numbers. It promotes into company management.
Sweet deal, imo.