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What did they do last time ? Catch and release ? See your avatar... you need to reverse positions (then you wont mind the company). Do you have large tree branches over hanging the house or something. I've never heard of this problem with Coons, Squirrels but not Coons. Coons turning garbage cans upside down but not "moving in".
Didn't catch any coons last time. 4 months of quiet, and then the return.
I've released squirrels before. 6 miles away....The coons climb up a downspout and get on the roof. That too, has to be re-engineered...
Laser fence would be nice!
Didn't catch any coons last time. 4 months of quiet, and then the return.
I've released squirrels before. 6 miles away....The coons climb up a downspout and get on the roof. That too, has to be re-engineered...
Laser fence would be nice!

Im not sure about the value of catch and release due to animals homing instincts, miles mean little to them. This may be what you have going on here, the coon simple came back home whether its the same one or one that was born there. Wild animals need strick detourants, some are stubborn but when pressed they eventually understand "territory".
Got into my first car accident today.

On the street there's a traffic light with three lanes and an exiting lane on the right. I see a gold mercedes benz flying all over the place.. speeding.. swerving in between lanes.. over taking huge buses. Shes all the way in the left lane and swerves ALL THE WAY to the exiting lane. I am also taking the exiting lane while she's entering it. I'm behind her. She's slowing down so I think she's slowing down for the turn, but in fact, she slows down and STOPS. Yes.. she stops.. completely stops in the middle of the exiting lane. I see a car next to her also stopped on the far right lane right in front of light, so it looks like the cars are both stopped next to each other. I'm slowing down as much as I can but then realize that she has stopped completely... so I slam on my brakes as hard as I can but to no avail. I smash into the back of her. The back of her precious benz gets smushed like a pancake while the front of my trailblazer gets messed up but not as bad as her car. The radiator broke and was leaking.. the front bumper is falling apart.. and the door doesn't open up properly. Thankfully I'm okay and fine despite the airbag in the car not coming out.
I get out of the car and ask if shes alright.. which she replies that she is and then I ask why was she stopped? She doesn't reply. The guy in the car that was stopped next to her gets out and starts talking to her as if they know each other.. which leads me to believe that they were stopped together and were going to talk to each other in the middle of the road.

At the police station I tell the investigator my story. She tells the investigator her story but with one little difference, she says that the car that was beside her was trying to overtake her and get into the exiting lane which is why she stopped... which is an outright lie. They were both stopped next to each other! And plus the father was there in the room and he was saying that her head was got knocked on the seat and she has a headache or whatever bullshit.
So whatever.. the investigator writes up the papers and we're getting our car fixed for free and shes getting her car fixed for free.
Your screwed Canto, any rear end hit regardless the front cars actions becomes your fault. There is no "free" fix, your insurance rates will be going up probably 50%. She will be collecting money for neck injury, head injury anything she decides to cry about. I had this done to me when I was young by a drunk who pulled over on the shoulder and then came into my lane quick as I was going past. I paid the insurance accident surcharge for over 3 years. My daughter had the same thing downtown at less than 30 mph, two cars infront of her stopped dead fast, second car slamed the first, my daughter slamed the second car, which obviously stopped dead SUDDENLY in front of her... quess what ? My daughters fault. Drive way out in front of you in the future, there can never be too much space between you and the car in front of you.

Im not saying this is the case in your situation but there are people that work out these rear end schemes to hit the insurance lottery and it seems pecular she had a "3rd party" witness lined right up. Perhaps the Benz payments were becoming a problem....

Any accident get right out with those expensive camera phones most everyone has today and get pictures immeadiately, dont ask some idjut that just fucked you if they are OK, fuck that, get snapping photos. In this case photos that there were no cars infront of her, the idjut sitting beside her, presumable that there were no skid marks by her but some from your car... of course anti lock brakes will fuck you everytime now, they also wont get the job done in a panick stop either and let you down everytime.
Yeah, it was my fault actually because I hit from her from the back.. and what from what I understand I shouldn't have issues with getting the money from insurance but we'll see.

I didn't think about the camera thing at the time but just a bit ago I was thinking about it. I always carry my camera around and in fact it was in my pocket at the time of the accident. I will be sure to think of it next time something like this happens, which probably will be sooner than later considering the driving conditions and driver ignorance here in Kuwait.
What's funny about the camera thing is that I actually strapped a camera to my car dash and was recording driving in Kuwait and made 5 youtube videos about it (seen here), but I stopped doing it last month or so. I wish I was recording during this accident... would've been hilarious if after she told her "lieish story" then I play the video ahhaahah.
Dude, you got scammed.

People do shit like that ON PURPOSE. Seriously. They drive erratically, get in front of you, and make conditions realllly good for you to smash into them. Then they try to get all your money. They usually have "witness" accomplices too.
Im not sure about the value of catch and release due to animals homing instincts, miles mean little to them. This may be what you have going on here, the coon simple came back home whether its the same one or one that was born there. Wild animals need strick detourants, some are stubborn but when pressed they eventually understand "territory".

6 miles works for most squirrels, most trappers & critter ridders don't release coons. They kill them. There is truth to them returning to the roost. I'm sure that's what is happening here. I may have to be guilty of genocide REAL soon!:heh:
Im tellin ya, give them a good zappin at that down pipe they are climbing and they will move on. I dont think those electric fence boxs are that expensive, a few pieces of rebar, insulaters and a little wire... bullets are cheap and less work though.

All the years I've been here coons only came through once and tipped over the garbage can. They wonder through along with all other critters including Coyotes and a huge snapping turtle that camped out one night, but never any trouble. Walked out the door a few weeks ago and spooked a red fox heading down to the creek (I assume). It will be getting more activity in the future due to being down to one dog. They were a good detourant at least to make them not want to come back around.
Im tellin ya, give them a good zappin at that down pipe they are climbing and they will move on. I dont think those electric fence boxs are that expensive, a few pieces of rebar, insulaters and a little wire... bullets are cheap and less work though.

All the years I've been here coons only came through once and tipped over the garbage can. They wonder through along with all other critters including Coyotes and a huge snapping turtle that camped out one night, but never any trouble. Walked out the door a few weeks ago and spooked a red fox heading down to the creek (I assume). It will be getting more activity in the future due to being down to one dog. They were a good detourant at least to make them not want to come back around.

Squirrel in the trap as I was leaving for work. Let it go near the house, looked like it may have recently given birth. Big time attic check tomorrow....
Don't want anything dying & rotting up there.....
my cat gave birth to 4 kitties today, one of them died though :(. unfortunately i don't have pictures