Official Off Topic Thread

So... An Australian man allegedly used no condom with two Swedish women. Therefore the British government threatens to invade the embassy of Ecuador to arrest him, and the American government is okay with it.

Doesn't make sense, until you realize this man is but Julian Assange.

Your governments make me sick.
Obama. :lol:

Assange’s fears seem to be corroborated by private confirmation given to Craig Murray, a respected former UK ambassador and human rights activist:

"I returned to the UK today to be astonished by private confirmation from within the [Foreign and Commonwealth Office] that the UK government has indeed decided — after immense pressure from the Obama administration — to enter the Ecuadorean Embassy and seize Julian Assange."

In 2000, the UK gave asylum to Pinochet, the bloodiest dictator in Latin America. At that time, he couldn't set foot in Spain, France or Italy or he would be arrested and sent back to Chile. His government was the first to apply neoliberalism in the world, with help from the Kingdom and the States.

Now they won't concede it to Assange. Of all the documents leaked, nothing is so silly as this particular situation.

If Assange leaked North Korean or Chinese documents, pretty sure he would get a nobel prize and lots of money. Just like that Yoani Sanchez bitch.
^I don't believe in internet gods anymore. I think if they existed, they wouldn't let this generation of sharing zombies happen. At least the 4chan trolls wasted webspace more creatively.
So Wintersun - Time I is actually going to be released October 12th, which also happens to be my birthday. I have to say that I wasn't super excited about it anymore (after waiting for 6 years) until I heard the new teaser, which quite unexpectedly blew me away. Wintersun is truly back better than ever.

Check it out:

Official album art (different from the earlier one that leaked years ago):

promo pic:

A bit of an oriental thing going on.

So yeah... I am now extremely excited again. The only disappointing thing is that they followed the label's wishes of splitting the album into two releases as now we'll have to wait an another year for the second part. A good marketing decision, I bet, but was it really necessary to stretch the whole process by yet an another year? Oh well, as long as the next albums comes out before 2020...
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2012 is shaping up to be an insane year for music. like, crazy good.

anathema released one of the best albums ever, katatonia's new one is superb, devin townsend will release new stuff - sounds promising, marillion will release new stuff - sounds promising. wintersun releases time. in mourning and moonspell both releases albums that are very good (although I think the latter halves of both albums are weaker).
a few new bands (new for me, anyway): be'lakor, atoma and ne obliviscaris. all great. especially atoma has grown on me.
I haven't heard the new flower kings yet, but most of their stuff is good.
first aid kit is far from metal, but the lion's roar is one of the better albums this side of the 70s.
testament surprises with an album that would have been a classic if it was released in the early 90s.

so yeah. 2012 - for me, one of the best years in music.
I agree that 2012 rocks. Still waiting for some stuff to be released (mostly the new Devin Townsend and Prototype) but at this point I'm pretty convinced Storm Corrosion will be my favourite of the year.
hell, even the new ensiferum is a-okay. time will probably kick its ass, but as far as "viking" themed chant-chorus power metal goes, it's good.

I will try and get a hold of flower kings and beardfish 2012 releases today. both have potential to be good. cuz they're good bands, hurr hurr.