Official Off Topic Thread

ptah knemu said:
You think Napalm Death has Napalm at their shows?

:tickled: :tickled:
napalm death is terrible though. I saw one of thier videos and I thought they sucked. Pretty good musicians though.
hi, I have a few questions, were you or anyone you know at the harpos concert for children of bodom and if you or they were could u give me a list of the bands there cause I liked most of them there but didn't know who they were. plz e-mail me at again srry if this is off topic.

Don't worry, you found the "Off-Topic" thread just fine. ;)

I don't have an answer for you, though...maybe someone else does?
DoomsdayZach said:
whether you like them or not, they are pioneers. One of the biggest influences on the death metal/grindcore scene. When's the last time you inspired an entire genre of music?

For me it was like 2 weeks ago :lol:

true. But I am not such a death metal person. I agree they did pioneer the whole scene.
ThornsOfSorrow said:
No, I was going to see them in New York, but then I saw that they had a show in Connecticut, which was very surprising because good bands rarely come here. However, I guess Sonata is already planning to come back because they feel bad, so it's all good.

Aww.... Had you come to the BB King's show, as you guys probably saw in my pics (did I actually post them here? I forget.) the rediculous plaid pajama pants that Tony was wearing.:worship: But the opener was a disappointment kinda. It was a Queensryche cover band, and they didn't compare to actually seeing Queensryche live.
SilentRealm said:
YOU SUCK! :( I hate living in Australia :(

Didn't you know Opeth is coming out in April?? Make the trip down to see em cos its gunna be great. Last time my friend got a pick and also a broken drum stick :) and all my friends think that opeth is the best band live.....but it'll be my 1st opeth gig so I dunno yet.