Official Off Topic Thread

Eternal Dragon said:
Didn't you know Opeth is coming out in April?? Make the trip down to see em cos its gunna be great. Last time my friend got a pick and also a broken drum stick and all my friends think that opeth is the best band live.....but it'll be my 1st opeth gig so I dunno yet.

yep I just found that out last night! I want to make plans to go, but dont know if I have anyone to go with at this point. Worse comes to worse I will go alone to it.
Rose Immortal said:
Sounds like you must have a bad venue in your area.

Yes. and it is the only one arounf for 200 miles. People die there routinely too. Kinda scary.

But its the only place to see good stuff.
Montu Sekhmet said:
Yes. and it is the only one arounf for 200 miles. People die there routinely too. Kinda scary.

But its the only place to see good stuff.

Sheesh. I'd be bothered by frequent deaths, too. I'm amazed the place hasn't been shut down for that...
Tubbs Mcgee said:
Hey everyone. Somebody on another certain forum here told me Symphony X arguably sucks worse than Nirvana. Anybody want to elaborate?

Of course, I got a wee bit mad at them.
LOL at coming here for reassurance. have you no confidence in your own opinion, or have they shattered it? toughen up dude. IMO SX is the better band by far, but as far as the argument at hand was going, I have to say were their example band different (ie not nirvana) I agree with the point they were trying to make.
Kenneth R. said:
LOL at coming here for reassurance. have you no confidence in your own opinion, or have they shattered it? toughen up dude. IMO SX is the better band by far, but as far as the argument at hand was going, I have to say were their example band different (ie not nirvana) I agree with the point they were trying to make.
Hey, what's wrong with asking people's opinions here for reassurance? Nothing wrong with that.

Move along. :Spin:
If you want to make technical comparisons, I would imagine you could come up with measures that prove the superiority of SymX's singing and playing. For instance, I would bet you could scientifically prove that Russell Allen sings much better...look at how often he's on key versus how often Kurt Cobain is on key. ;)