Badbird Never banned Oct 14, 2009 4,284 1 36 Ayn Rand is dead hahahahaha Jan 16, 2010 #14,121 I am back!
DoomsdayZach The Professor was right Dec 11, 2005 6,826 35 48 Seattle, WA Jan 17, 2010 #14,122 cut off my fingertip yesterday. sucked.
Iced Dog The Stormrider's Pooch Sep 29, 2003 3,102 2 38 49 Grand Rapids, MI Jan 17, 2010 #14,123 Pics or it didn't happen Seriously though, hope you heal up did it happen?
DoomsdayZach The Professor was right Dec 11, 2005 6,826 35 48 Seattle, WA Jan 17, 2010 #14,124 At work. I was cutting dough and just sliced a chunk off. I'll take pics later, it's not TOO gross
DoomsdayZach The Professor was right Dec 11, 2005 6,826 35 48 Seattle, WA Jan 17, 2010 #14,125 Ok, so it's not bad but just cause i know not everyone does well with cut up bits, here's links rather than embedded images. top view side view
Ok, so it's not bad but just cause i know not everyone does well with cut up bits, here's links rather than embedded images. top view side view
J-Dubya 777 It NEVER ends Nov 7, 2004 7,957 28 48 Cheeseland USA Jan 17, 2010 #14,126 Nice chunker, Zach! Did you bleed on the dough? p.s. If they can handle the raccoon shit, they can handle anything!
Nice chunker, Zach! Did you bleed on the dough? p.s. If they can handle the raccoon shit, they can handle anything!
DoomsdayZach The Professor was right Dec 11, 2005 6,826 35 48 Seattle, WA Jan 17, 2010 #14,127 I did actually. We had to throw out the bag of dough. Not much blood, but you can never fuck around with blood and food. We also found the bit of my finger in the dough, but i threw it out. Shoulda kept it as a memento. I could have made a necklace or a ring out of it
I did actually. We had to throw out the bag of dough. Not much blood, but you can never fuck around with blood and food. We also found the bit of my finger in the dough, but i threw it out. Shoulda kept it as a memento. I could have made a necklace or a ring out of it
Iced Dog The Stormrider's Pooch Sep 29, 2003 3,102 2 38 49 Grand Rapids, MI Jan 18, 2010 #14,128 yes, that would've been quite metal of you J-Dubya 777 said: p.s. If they can handle the raccoon shit, they can handle anything! Click to expand... no shit, thanks a lot you asshole!
yes, that would've been quite metal of you J-Dubya 777 said: p.s. If they can handle the raccoon shit, they can handle anything! Click to expand... no shit, thanks a lot you asshole!
Kenneth R. Cináed Oct 28, 2004 17,883 37 48 40 Hallways of Always Jan 18, 2010 #14,129 dude, you coulda baked some zach bread. some kind of blood sacrifice loaf.
P proulxski Welcome To Kanata Eh! May 1, 2005 2,197 6 38 37 Canada/Quebec (Montreal) Jan 18, 2010 #14,130 haha, reminds me of this time I was making Apple Crisp :S
Iced Dog The Stormrider's Pooch Sep 29, 2003 3,102 2 38 49 Grand Rapids, MI Jan 24, 2010 #14,131 I want this poster...
O OfSinsAndShred Member Apr 2, 2003 2,957 14 38 39 Los Angeles, CA, USA Jan 25, 2010 #14,132 So do I. That's awesome.
DoomsdayZach The Professor was right Dec 11, 2005 6,826 35 48 Seattle, WA Jan 26, 2010 #14,133 Where can you get that poster? that'd be a good addition to Snake Mountain. On a separate topic, i sure could go for a really good sandwich right now.
Where can you get that poster? that'd be a good addition to Snake Mountain. On a separate topic, i sure could go for a really good sandwich right now.
noble savage Member Oct 28, 2004 1,986 7 38 36 Indiana Feb 7, 2010 #14,134 Well, looks like they're going to have to bulldoze the Peyton Manning Children's Hospital. God damn I hate football.
Well, looks like they're going to have to bulldoze the Peyton Manning Children's Hospital. God damn I hate football.
Iced Dog The Stormrider's Pooch Sep 29, 2003 3,102 2 38 49 Grand Rapids, MI Feb 10, 2010 #14,135 DoomsdayZach said: Where can you get that poster? that'd be a good addition to Snake Mountain. Click to expand... Here...I'd get it, but I haven't found a frame to fit it yet
DoomsdayZach said: Where can you get that poster? that'd be a good addition to Snake Mountain. Click to expand... Here...I'd get it, but I haven't found a frame to fit it yet
ABQShredHead ©1970 Dec 3, 2003 2,648 15 38 54 Albuquerque, NM Feb 10, 2010 #14,136 Hobby Lobby. Or any frame shop will do.
Iced Dog The Stormrider's Pooch Sep 29, 2003 3,102 2 38 49 Grand Rapids, MI Feb 11, 2010 #14,137 Cool, there's a Hobby Lobby not far from me, I'll check it out.
ABQShredHead ©1970 Dec 3, 2003 2,648 15 38 54 Albuquerque, NM Feb 25, 2010 #14,138 I made it on O'Reilly's e-mail segment. Frickin' ROCK!
J-Dubya 777 It NEVER ends Nov 7, 2004 7,957 28 48 Cheeseland USA Feb 25, 2010 #14,139 ABQShredHead said: I made it on O'Reilly's e-mail segment. Frickin' ROCK! Click to expand... Did he agree with you, or make fun of you & dismiss you? I wish I had cable!
ABQShredHead said: I made it on O'Reilly's e-mail segment. Frickin' ROCK! Click to expand... Did he agree with you, or make fun of you & dismiss you? I wish I had cable!
ABQShredHead ©1970 Dec 3, 2003 2,648 15 38 54 Albuquerque, NM Feb 27, 2010 #14,140 Neither, really. I guess no comments means it was a good thing. It's fun to see your name on the tele though.
Neither, really. I guess no comments means it was a good thing. It's fun to see your name on the tele though.