Official RC Snobby Beer Purchases Thread

I bought two bottles of Hopageddon the other night. LOOK AT THAT SHIT:


Hop Meteors. Hop. Fucking. METEORS. :kickass:
This is my only experience with them so far. One of the best 5 beers I've ever consumed, holy pooping.
So Hangar 24 is less than 10 miles from my house. New brewery opened a few weeks ago less than 3 miles away. Went there tonight. Had some good stuff. In particular, THIS:



Keep heading east from there, we're right by the Loma Linda Hospital/University off the 10. Ritual is right off the fwy, think next time I might drunkwalk!
Holy shit. I didnt realize this thread had made it to 87 pages. Anyway, snobby beer purchases are pure douchebaggery. That said, anyone ever had a coffee stout? Is it nasty?
:lol: I just meant that being snobby about anything is a douchey thing to do, especially with regards to alcohol.
hahah you JUST posted in another thread that you hate all the typical swill beers too

Hey! That wasnt me! I said I dont like Miller, Heineken or anything light. I think they taste bad. I also think alot of handcrafted microbrewed stuff tastes bad too. Im an equal opportunity hater.
I think the douchebaggery comes when you hold your nose up to people who haven't had obscure batch #18 aged in the arsehole of a brewer who wipes whilst standing. I refuse to drink any macro brew sans a select few given the circumstances, ie. at a venue where booze is needed and you have no other recourse. In which case I'll usually opt for Guiness or Pyramid Hefeweizen heh.

Heineken is absolute garbage, probably the worst beer around.

Which particular handcrafted monstrosities have ye quaffed? Probably some hipster shit with a handlebar mustachioed noodle riding a fixed gear bike on the label amirite?

I need to down a few bombers this weekend, it's been far too long.

Coffee stouts are ace btw.
Double Bastard. Don't know why it's called that. Maybe because it makes me 2x the asshole I normlalaly be.
tried to get the Hopageddon today but the shelf was empty :( had to get a Lagunitas Hop Stoopid and Drake's Denogginizer instead, and a 6 of Stone IPA.

i also think i took a Hopageddon to a beer tasting party thing a week before NAD posted about it but i was stoned and forgot.