Ugh. My local alcohol monopoly store fukkin sucks. See, Systembolaget does sell a fair range of good beer, but apparently not in small Piteå. About 90% of everything they have is generic light lagers that all taste the same. I thought I'd list what they have and see if you beer snobs can give me some recommendations. I put a * on the ones I've already had.
STOUTZ/PORTERZ: (what a sad, sad list...)
Carnegie Stark-Porter
Guinness Draught*
Guinness Extra Stout*
Young's Double Chocolate Stout*
Bishops Finger Kentish Strong Ale*
Bombardier Premium Bitter
Caffrey's Irish Ale*
Chimay blå
Circle Master
Falcon Ale*
Fallen Angel Bitter* (excellent, if you US my pals ever get the chance to try this...)
Founders English Ale
Fuller's London Pride
Jämtlands Pilgrim Ale
Kilkenny Draught*
Leffe Brune
Leffe Blonde
McEwan's India Pale Ale (oh look holy shit an IPA. I've been meaning to try one. Do you think this is alright NAD?)
Newcastle Brown Ale*
Old Speckled Hen
Strong Yorkshire Ale
Ruddles County Ale
Samuel Adams Boston Ale
Young's Special
Young's Winter Warmer
Falcon Bayerskt*
Falcon Bayerskt Strong Brew 7,0
Falcon Julbrygd
Mariestads Julebrygd
Nils Oscar Kalasöl* (another great example of good Swedish beer right here)
Norrlands Jul
Primátor Premium Dark* (this is pretty cool)
Spendrups Julbrygd
Spendrups Julbrygd
Staropramen Dark*
Åbro Julöl
Erdinger Weissbier Kristallklar
Erdinger Weissbier Hefe
Hoegaarden Witbier
Weihenstephaner Hefe Weissbier
Now just for comparison... They have 122 different light lagers.

Anyway, recommend me some shitz of the above, mostly the ales I guess. You can also order more esoteric beers from them but that's a fukkin hassle.