Official RC Snobby Beer Purchases Thread

jonathan, if my girlfriend weren't a nurse too i would be afraid of hospitals

actually, because my girlfriend is a nurse, i'm fucking terrified of hospitals :lol:

anyway, good job. carry on.

Wow, i just picked up a few of these at a whopping $5.79 per bottle. I have never been so floored by the taste of a beer.
Orval pours the largest head of any beer I've had. Over the weekend I had a Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier Urbock with some grilled London Broil...easily one of the best beer+meal combos I've had.
I hardly drink lately, but my bday is next weekend so I purchased one of my favs...Rochefort 10.

Also, im pretty stoked that I stumbled upon the special release Weyerbacher Unfiltered Double Simcoe 2IPA. How you can improve upon the orifginal is remarkable.

oh, and a 6er of Dales Pale Ale
bah, i don't thione you can get around here. i think its Schlenkerla Rauchbier, which I can enjoy/tolerate in small doses but more than 1 a night is just :erk:

There is 4 beers that I've had by Schlenkerla Rauchbier, Weizen, Special, Urbock, and Marzen. All great.
I had a Souther Tier Mokah earlier. World class beer and in the same league as their Choklat and Jahva. It tastes like milk chocolate with a creamy mouthfeel. I need to pick up a few more bottles of this.
Drinking my last Double Trouble :(. After three months... it's not very good at all. Like Ken said, it's a shell of its former self.