OFFICIAL Sayerville STARLAND THREAD- who's going? Lets get ready!!!


Feb 2, 2005
Alright, this JUNE 3rd dvd filming of ANTHRAX is coming up real soon, and theres not enough talk going on about this show.

SO WHO's GOING?? Its sold out from what I hear, and the dvd being shot there should be awesome!

And whats the deal with the VIP(300 people), I don't want to miss this,...but I have no idea what time the VIP thing starts......They said before the show, but the ticket says doors open at 6:00pm So should I be there before 6:00?

I hope we can keep this thread alive, im real hyped about this show, and I know its going to be crazy.



I wil be there and the VIP is at 6pm to my knowledge, but I am not 100%, see you all at the show.
ukj69 said:
I wil be there and the VIP is at 6pm to my knowledge, but I am not 100%, see you all at the show.

Cool, I'll be there my 6:00pm

I want to drink and hang out in the parking lot, I wonder if they're gonna let us in for the preshowVIP party, and then let us out before the actual show goes back on. If they don't let us out, I have to drink before 6pm o_O

I am also guessing there is NO OPENERS right??
xodusAttack said:
Cool, I'll be there my 6:00pm

I want to drink and hang out in the parking lot, I wonder if they're gonna let us in for the preshowVIP party, and then let us out before the actual show goes back on. If they don't let us out, I have to drink before 6pm o_O

I am also guessing there is NO OPENERS right??

Maybe Over hand right...

You a big Exo fan?????
thraxx said:
Maybe Over hand right...

You a big Exo fan?????

What do you mean by "Over hand right"?????

Yea, Im a huge exodus fan. You wouldn't happen to be thraxx from the Exodus board are you?
ill be there with 5 of my friends. we have the VIP thing as well, and when I bought the tix, they said keep checking, and there would be directions and some kind of explanation of that the VIP was all about.
i'm really hyped for the show too. i'll be there by myself :lol:
though i don't know anyone on this particular forum, so i'm not gonna really ask around who posts on UM haha.

as for the pre-show thing. it says doors at 6, i imagine the sound check thing is before 6...i have one of those first 300 tix, but i think i'm just gonna get there at 6 anyway.
xodusAttack said:
What do you mean by "Over hand right"?????

Yea, Im a huge exodus fan. You wouldn't happen to be thraxx from the Exodus board are you?

Over hand right opened at Harpo's and the House of Blues...........
Charlie's newhews band
thraxx said:
Over hand right opened at Harpo's and the House of Blues...........
Charlie's newhews band

Cool......I hope if they let us VIP people in before, we can leave and go back to our cars......then when anthrax comes on we can just come back in.

Yea, I figured that was you had sent me a SIGNED copy of the exo promo war is my shepard(of course thanks again)

Hope to see at the show on FRI!
thraxx said:
Over hand right opened at Harpo's and the House of Blues...........
Charlie's newhews band

Hey! Glad to see alot of people are getting ready for this show. I'm the bass player for OverHand Right. We played the 2 Chicago HOB shows, not the Harpo's gig. Since we're all born and raised in the Bronx, we're really looking forward to be playing so close to home this time around. Our guitarist Joey is Charlie's nephew as stated. Charlie and Frank grew up down the block from me, and when I was a lil kid back in the 80's they were cool as hell and always down to sign a record, or give out some pics or sticks.

Me and three of my friends will be there. I am pretty sure the VIP tickets are for 6 and the regular tickets are for 7 or 7:30. We were among the first 300 so we got the VIP tickets and they say 6, sooooo, lets hope that's right! We are coming from the Philly suburbs so, we got a small hike ahead of us. Probably gonna have to leave around 3:30 to get there by 6. Seeya all there \m/