Oh my GOLLERZZZ!!! The new In Flames . . .

MadeInNewJersey said:
you hate dorian's kid?


In all seriousness the track "Dead End" was horrible. It seriously sounded like Amy Lee was doing the fem vox. Same whiny ass choruses for 3 damn albums. I own Reroute and STYE and enjoyed them both for a total of 1 hour each. After that, what then? You've heard all there is to be heard. The best kind of music is the kind in which you can listen to 200 times. And experience something new...every single time.
I refuse to listen to another In Flames album until someone tells me they've released something better than "Clayman". Holy shit, I was disappointed when that album was released...
6. - Come Clarity, good. Now this I like. If it wasn't for Anders' horrible clean vocals during the verses, I'd enjoy it tremendously, but those rotten, whiny, toneless verses ruin what could've been a fantastic song. Love the chorus, love the guitars, like the desparate sounding atmosphere.
also how much does it suck when it starts with those organic sounding folky acoustic guitars and then DUM DAH DUHHHN overprocessed super trigged gaydrums. bleh.

and indeed, leeches and scream are TOTAL FUCKING SHIT. reflect the storm is actually good for real like. EXPOSE THE DAAARK SIIIDE i don't even think his cleans are annoying on that one.
So this is getting positive reviews all over the place.

I have to admit it is still hanging strong with me. I pretty much only listen to it whilst lifting weights, though.

Definitely a surprisingly fun album. A solid 7/10.
I listened to it once. It was far better than I ever expected it to be, and there are even 3-4 songs I would say are really good. I don't think I'll buy it, but it's their best since Clayman IMO.
Nate The Great said:
This new album sounds like a much more natural progression from Colony and Clayman. It's almost like they had to get two experimental albums out of the way.

I wouldn't go that far. It is indeed better than the last two, but still has far too many flaws to warrant serious "they're back" consideration. At least IMO.
I don't read what Nate said as "they're back." He said "natural progression," and I entirely agree with him. This new one sounds like it should have come after Clayman. Doesn't make it a great album or anything.
Jesper Stromblad finally said "enough is enough" and quit this ongoing self parody. When asked for his reason for departure, Stromblad was quoted with saying, "White men can't jump". Hopefully the lad ends up landing with a respectable outfit.
Hoping he doesn't try anything with Dimension Zero and just starts something fresh to be honest.
he won't do anything good ever again but hey, at least he's not in in flames
Wonder if Stanne/Sundin will get any royalties since they wrote all the lyrics up to and including Whoracle.
I think if I would have heard post-R2R In Flames in 1995, they would be my favoUrite band, along with Torche.

Thankfully, my tastes, as well as my habits, demeanoUr, willpower, and overall odoUr have since matured greatly.