oh yeah, VICTORY fromthe usa


true light

The best cigs for packing a bong.....

LEDMAG & God of Emptiness the metal men try it...
...eh... remind me in a few days... I'm still "sick" from saturday night, and it's monday night here now... jeez... it's not supposed to last this long (mind you, mix in half a bottle of bourbon, around 12/18 (free!!) beers, no sleep for two days... and that explains it)

I'm a fuckin' Hypocrite.

Yeah, it was me a while ago saying 'Nah man, don't smoke that shit' to LSDman... ha ha. Now look at me. :lol: The lotus-eater himself would be proud of me>>> ha ha.
Why do the ladies like IRON MAIDEN, but not bathory, I sometimes think about that.

Yeah I hate it when you r body doesn't recharge...Maybe it was the mix and match.

But remember when you first ask yourself, why does coffee at night make make you not deep sleep.

Remember: Inner Revolution

Good to see that you've got a life Ledmag.... :lol: ha ha.

I've got this next weekend lined up too... should be good. But i'll steer clear of the grog.... *grooooaaaan*.... I've got a lady to try and impress too, so i suppose i can't get TOO wrecked.
And yeah, its real fun smokin the green and flameing asses at the same time hahahahahah. Not my life, just a hobby of sorts hahahahaha.
The cigs, are called VICEROY from the usa..they are made in KY of all places, small world....

SORRY, i was in a haze...
Originally posted by true light
The cigs, are called VICEROY from the usa..they are made in KY of all places, small world....

SORRY, i was in a haze...

hahaha, yeah, i have smoked them. They arent bad. Ive been smoking cheaper cigs lately. 11 usa dollars a carton,,,,,,,BARGAIN!

hey, what time and day is it at your home at teh moment? Its TEUSDAY 1:11pm at my house!
ANd Im haveing an AFTER LUNCH JOINT.....hahahahah..Just finished it about 10 minutes ago. Its good stuff. Pressed, but very dark, little to no seeds, Smells very nice, and is very expanding in your lungs. Take a little hit, and blow smoke for days. I got a half ounce (14 grams) for 70 USA's
shit thats cheap....we have a huge tax, on cigs, they are $10 a pack of 25

I love DUNHILL blues, MILD....
Actually , a carton has 10 packs. Th enormal price for the big name cigs are 29 usa's a carton. Ive beenhittin PALACE lights, from Italy. The are the cheapest and best quality i can find.

I prefer Marlboro red pack, full flaver, or Camel TURCKISH GOLD......Or Camel Lights wide gauge.........great cigs.

Your up early old fellow.
Ahhhh, a LADY you say? As I have said before to a mutual friend of ours..........TELL US MORE.

Ahh... Great friend of mine this girl, awesome person. Most beautiful girl i have ever seen in my life actually, and basically just a really cool person. *shrug* I'm hopeless tho, i've got three left-feet, clumsy as hell when it comes to the ladies....

Yeah, Cigs are too fucking expensive over here.... I just scam them off my friends, i only smoke when i'm drunk or blasted (...which is ALOT lately ha ha)... I hate Pj's... worst fucking things in the world, but sometimes they just have to do. The ones beginning with 'W' (fuck... no memory...) are good too... what are they called?