Ok, Get in Here

This is another argument I'll chalk up as futile. Nothing I can say will change your minds. Nothing you will say will change mine. I have solace in knowing that I have peers that show the same sentiments. I never expected a comment made in jest to turn in to two additional pages on the merits of homosexuality. Never was it my intention to display my true perspective on the topic, nor convert anyone to my line of thinking. Truth be told, I can tolerate such a lifestyle if need be. My last employer was a raging butch dike lesbian. And she was a really good hearted person. Nobody is claiming homosexual's to be evil human beings. Just misguided and perverse. All I ask is for those who choose this lifestyle, is to not go around taunting the minds of children by flaunting their sidetracked sexuality. Such acts may cause unnatural curiosity in the minds of young children who do not know right from wrong. And may lead to contradictory teachings to those children who are being reared correctly. Nobody wants to tell their kids straight out, "Don't be gay!" Let them learn naturally by just not being exposed by it to begin with.
Reign in Acai said:
Men were made to be men. Homosexuality is a disease that falls strictly on the parent(s) who raised them. You aren't born a queer. So why should I tolerate such a life choice? If there were more men around teaching young lads to grow up and be men, then many social ills that are seen today would not be as widespread. Rather than being raised a fruitcake who goes on and chomps a different chode every day of the week. That person can be raised to be a respectful human being that thinks more highly of himself than being regarded as a "walking chapped asshole". That person can then go on to find himself a decent significant other (by this term I mean WOMAN), and live a life joined in a healthy relationship. A relationship where love can be displayed in it's rightful way. There's a reason why a penis fits perfectly in a vagina. Man is made to be with a Woman. Make no mistake about, a person who loves another individual of the same sex is suffering from a mental deficiency! This sickness should be treated right alongside dementia, and schizophrenia. If society continues to accept these ills, it won't be long before the lines of gender become blurred. As if they haven't already been. How rare is it to see a woman acting like a lady? How rare is it to see a man act like a MAN? The roles are being reversed. And much of it is due in part to queers and the liberals who support them. Hell it's no wonder why divorce rates are so high. The husband and wife were never shown an example of how to fit their role. The happiest longest marriages you will come to find usually show a set role between the two parties. How can these roles be filled properly when they were reared to be a sensitive "go ahead and express your feelings" crybabies?

lol, go to school for god's sake. Genetics have a huge part to play in someone's sexuality. Ignorance ftw heh?
Like I said, I use these kind of conversations more as springboards for getting my stance out on other issues. I also think its valuable to hear your true stance (hopefully) on the issue, just as I'd like to hear anyone elses. I find it interesting to say the least, so I throw up my arguments against it, and if anything had changed, I'd say "hey great" but I'm not naive enough to expect anything out of it. I'm glad it was discussed though, really.
read the rest of the post

edit: yeah I probably edited it while you were quoting it, but I did it because I wasn't sure if you were intelligent enough to understand what I meant, guess I was right :tickled:
Reign in Acai said:
This is another argument I'll chalk up as futile. Nothing I can say will change your minds. Nothing you will say will change mine. I have solace in knowing that I have peers that show the same sentiments. I never expected a comment made in jest to turn in to two additional pages on the merits of homosexuality. Never was it my intention to display my true perspective on the topic, nor convert anyone to my line of thinking. Truth be told, I can tolerate such a lifestyle if need be. My last employer was a raging butch dike lesbian. And she was a really good hearted person. Nobody is claiming homosexual's to be evil human beings. Just misguided and perverse. All I ask is for those who choose this lifestyle, is to not go around taunting the minds of children by flaunting their sidetracked sexuality. Such acts may cause unnatural curiosity in the minds of young children who do not know right from wrong. And may lead to contradictory teachings to those children who are being reared correctly. Nobody wants to tell their kids straight out, "Don't be gay!" Let them learn naturally by just not being exposed by it to begin with.

wow. you're serious...

to each their own man. That said, I completely disagree with you on most of these points...

but I'm in school and don't want to take the time to properly discuss them.. however...

All I ask is for those who choose this lifestyle, is to not go around taunting the minds of children by flaunting their sidetracked sexuality. Such acts may cause unnatural curiosity in the minds of young children who do not know right from wrong. And may lead to contradictory teachings to those children who are being reared correctly. Nobody wants to tell their kids straight out, "Don't be gay!" Let them learn naturally by just not being exposed by it to begin with.

Ignorance is bliss eh? The american way!!!
Demilich said:
Like I said, I use these kind of conversations more as springboards for getting my stance out on other issues. I also think its valuable to hear your true stance (hopefully) on the issue, just as I'd like to hear anyone elses. I find it interesting to say the least, so I throw up my arguments against it, and if anything had changed, I'd say "hey great" but I'm not naive enough to expect anything out of it. I'm glad it was discussed though, really.

Dude I totally respect your opinion. I'm not here purposely trying to push anyone's buttons. But at the same time I don't wish on watering down my opinion in fear of backlash. No ill feelings from this side. Hope you feel the same. :)

As for people who reply "Go to school", or "shut up redneck". Fuck off! Sorry if my opinion is not a conforming one.
Reign in Acai said:
Dude I totally respect your opinion. I'm not here purposely trying to push anyone's buttons. But at the same time I don't wish on watering down my opinion in fear of backlash. No ill feelings from this side. Hope you feel the same. :)

As for people who reply "Go to school", or "shut up redneck". Fuck off! Sorry if my opinion is not a conforming one.

you're prefectly entitled to your opinion, even if it's different/the opposite/almost the opposite of mine. [/anti-IotS]

PS. this thread is hilarious :p
Reign in Acai said:
Asmode- How is it coming from ignorance? What information am I lacking that would change my view? If you have it, please feel free to hand it forth.

we're genetically programmed to want to bang women to have babies to keep the species going right? So these people are wired wrong, it's genetics. I know a gay redneck. His dad won't speak to him. His mom insults him. They're similar in stance to you. yet he's gay still. There are no "openly gay" people in my town, yet he's gay. It's not exposure, its genetics. There have been gays since like cavemen, the difference is... then nobody cared and then when it became stigmatised, nobody was openly gay. Now people can be open about it and say "I'm genetically wired wrong, but thats ok" And I support that.
Well, surprise, this thread derailed into homo banter! :tickled:

Otherwise, I was gonna say, IoftheStorm pretty much hit the nail on the head. He was spot on. Some of you have thin skin me thinks. :)
Why does it always have to be one OR the other? It could very well (and pretty much for sure) be a combination of exposure and genetics. Just like everything. It's not very common that anything is simple enough that you can just rifle off a one word explanation of it, one side or the other.
Demilich said:
Why does it always have to be one OR the other? It could very well (and pretty much for sure) be a combination of exposure and genetics. Just like everything. It's not very common that anything is simple enough that you can just rifle off a one word explanation of it, one side or the other.

yeah. exactly...

bisexuals? wired gay, exposed straight? wired straight, exposed gay? neither? :p