ok ok ok I get it

This place is really inbred.

M00se = Matt
Cthulubanana = Matt
Claws of Perdition = Matt

To make things worse:

Conspiculously Absent = Andrew
Night Mare = Andrew

All the extras should change their name to Boris. Or Bruce.
Conspicuously Absent said:
Forests near my place: (i'll have a fuckton of pics starting in july and moving on through august)



After one of the biggest windstorms we've had:
looks pretty much *exactly* like the park near here where i spent the first half of this week camping :dopey:
Dead_Lioness said:
^ golly, where is this place?

10 mins from where I live when i'm not oging to school. I can get just as good in my back yard. This august I'll have a fuckton of pics of the area around my house :p

Come on out if you want to :P
Andrew what is the exact part of Canada in which you live? Vancouver, or a suburb on the outskirts of the town? One day I want to become a Canadian citizen. All the pics you have posted of your city are friggin gorgeous!
most of the pictures of my town are from the ferry and around 'real' home not school home.

Real home is a small town on vancouver island. School home is a suburb of vancouver.