The Bitch Thread - complain about ANYTHING you want here

i'm stupid and i don't "get" php arrays apparently

i'm not used to this associative bullshit
My grousing supervisor is on my last nerve. If it isn't bad enough that he stands behind my co-worker and I, gyrating back and forth twirling an imaginary hoolah hoop with his hips o' plenty, we our subjected to his incessant whine over the shopping list of maladies which inflict him. Diabetes, vitiated sense of taste, OCD, heart disease, tooth/gum infections, sporadic case of the shits, full blown depression! On top of this he is a gossiper, a two-face, and an overly sensitive ball of mush. Now all of these deficiencies I can deal with in kind. Hey, we're all human. But if it's one thing I can not fucking STAND, is when a person disavows all recollection of a statement they made when said statement resurfaces down the line. You're only as good as your word, so take heed in what you spew. Vunt.
I have to appear in traffic court tomorrow to deal with a $25 fix a ticket which I failed to pay on time. What's the current bail on a Failure to Appear ye ask? Oh for a wopping $1100, I can make this all go away and go to sleep soundly aside my Baby Ben mechanical alarm clock. The ticket all stemmed from not having my beater smogged in timely fashion, despite covering the registration dues. Cant Hardly Police strike again, bearing their weight down upon me like Starr Jones on her wedding night. :erk:

Stay tuned...