Ok guys, there's something that's really been bugging me...

Chairman Kaga

Jan 23, 2007
Los Angeles


What the fuck are these puppets talking about?? (Especially the red one with the yellow ears)

If someone could translate this shit that would be ":kickass:"

:worship: to whoever can help.
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The guitar the puppet is using is an old 1980s Washburn A20, nice.
First video:

The old puppet welcomes Yngwie. Then he asks Yngwie how many guitars he has and he answers "200". Then the old puppet says: "That's fantastic! That's almost more than I have cars." He then asks Yngwie how many cars HE has, and the guy responds "I didn't know."
- "You have recently released an album."
- "Attack", the other puppet says.
- "How many albums have you released?"
Yngwie says "22", and the puppet says "23".
*Lots of babbling*
- "That's why you're here, because you're, in my eyes, the worlds best guitarist.", the old puppet says. The puppet then asks him if he can play them a riff, then he plays something I would not categorize as a riff.

Second video:

Old puppet: "You do not live in Sweden."
Young puppet in rediculous outfit: "Why not?"
Yngwie: "It's about 20 years since I moved to USA because I was asked to record some records and then I just stayed there.
But I always come back to Sweden (he always comes back to Sweden?)."
Old puppet: "Yngwie. Don't take this in the wrong way, but I've tried the guitar myself, and I must say that I'm almost as good as you.
How about a battle?"
Yngwie: "Sure."
Old puppet: "What tune (guitartune, I guess)."
Yngwie: "G small." (I think that's what he said)
(Yngwie plays, then the old puppet plays)
Old puppet: "My guitar isn't tuned right."
Old puppet: "Set the cameras on me, Yngwie can't you play one more time?"
(Yngwie plays)
Old puppet: "The cable isn't in! *Laughs*
Old puppet: "Thank you blablablabal"

:worship: me
Well, on the first video, the puppet welcomes the guy. Then he asks him how many guitars he has and he answers "200". Then the puppet says: "That's fantastic! That's almost more than I have cars." He then asks the guy how many cars HE has, and the guy responds "I didn't know."
- "You have recently released an album."
- "Attack", the other puppet says.
- "How many albums have you released?"
The guy says "22", and the puppet says "23".
*Lots of babbling*
- "That's why you're here, because you're, in my eyes, the worlds best guitarist.", the old puppet says. The puppet then asks him if he can play them a riff, then he plays something I would not categorize as a riff.

"the guy" is Yngwie Malmsteen by the way :lol: