Ok guys, there's something that's really been bugging me...

First video:

The old puppet welcomes Yngwie. Then he asks Yngwie how many guitars he has and he answers "Im not sure but around 200". Then the old puppet says: "That's fantastic! That's almost more than I have cars." He then asks Yngwie how many cars HE has, and the fat thundercunt responds "I don't know know."
- "You have recently released an album."
- "Attack", the other puppet says.
- "How many albums have you released?"
Yngwie says "22", and the puppet says "23".
Yngwie Responds: This guy is very good!
- "That's why you're here, because you're, in my eyes, the worlds best guitarist.", the old puppet says. The puppet then asks him if he can play them a riff, then he plays something I would not categorize as a riff.

Second video:

Old puppet: "You do not live in Sweden."
Young puppet in rediculous outfit: "Why not?"
Yngwie: "It's about 20 years since I moved to USA because I was asked to record some records and then I just stayed there.
But I always come back to Sweden for a visit."
Old puppet: "Yngwie. I have practiced guitar a bit and i must say i think i am almost as good as you!.
How about a battle?"
Yngwie: "Sure."
Old puppet: "What key shall we play in?"
Yngwie: "G minor."
(Yngwie plays, then the old puppet plays)
Old puppet: "My guitar isn't tuned."
Old puppet: "Set the cameras on me, Yngwie can't you play one more time?"
(Yngwie plays and the old puppet pretends to be playing while Yngwie plays)
Old puppet: "The cable isn't in! *Laughs*
Old puppet: "We have had some technical difficultiesl"

Theres some minor fixes...otherwise it's pretty ok. Might be some errors since i wasn't arsed to watch the vids again but i will take further look to it tomorrow.
I am a Swedishpeaking Finn...BUT IF ANYONE CALLS ME SWEDE! I hate Swedes:lol: (not inhe). I used to watch that show as kid actually.

Rantaruotsalainen :D.

I understood pretty much everything from those vids, nice to notice that it's not all forgotten, lol. I haven't used Swedish at all since I got that mandatory "government officer Swedish" passed in the university...
Rantaruotsalainen :D.

I understood pretty much everything from those vids, nice to notice that it's not all forgotten, lol. I haven't used Swedish at all since I got that mandatory "government officer Swedish" passed in the university...
Yeah:lol: Im glad i feel more Finnish though...although im going to Swedish school and live in a swedish majority populated place lulz.
She's Swiss, not Swedish.
Damnit...you just fucking erased my explanation to WHY shes sutpid.
Do we only have like one swede on this forum?

Inhe and _chop_ or wtf his name was.... I can't remember.
Oh and _Digma_...