OK, I have a new outlook on the war in Iraq

These towel head pieces of shit are not human!!! People in general have emotions and feelings whereas these sand eating mother fuckers have none!!

We won't pull out and make a parking lot out of that useless mass of sand and that's too bad, but you know the crybaby LIBERALS.....Yes you fucking useless pieces of shit who cry for the whales and protest our treatment of the FUCKING ENEMY among many other stupid fucking things....Would piss, moan, bitch & cry about how they're people.......FUCK 'EM!!!!!!!!

Nuke those clowns until there's not even sand left.....Let the liberals build a shrine or a memorial of sort for the people who just can't seem to stop killing innocent people and aid workers there to help THEM!!!

Fucking rag head pieces of shit. T man is right, the fucking bleeding heart liberal hippie pussies would protest non stop. If they feel so bad then they can move to Iraq, and follow in their idol Jane Fonda's footstepes. The terrorists just kidnapped another British hostage, and they will probally kill her, just like they killed Ken Bigly. Fuck the entire Middle East! That place has been unstable for so many years it's not even funny!
Cryptkeeper said:
The terrorists just kidnapped another British hostage, and they will probally kill her, just like they killed Ken Bigly. Fuck the entire Middle East! That place has been unstable for so many years it's not even funny!

When will they fucking learn.....that fucking hostage was a fucking proffesional jawa loving, sand shagger all in the name of charity who lived in Iraq for 30 odd years and married a fucking iraqi fuck....she thought she could make a difference and the people were lovely as was the islamic religion...I KNOW SOME ARE GOING TO DISAGREE.......BUT FUCK HER SHE SHOULDNT BE THERE...AND BIGLEY WAS EARNING MORE IN A FUCKING WEEK THAN I DO IN A FUCKING YEAR....If your not in the forces you SHOULDNT be there and think your safe....that bint has got 1000's for iraqi's, sorted water & food for them for years...NOW SHE WILL REALISE THEY AINT FUCKING HUMAN.
peace and love ya'll
Its really hard not to hate these people and sound like a racist but these Jawas need to be taken out before they breed again and make more terrorists for the next generation.
Do you guys even realize what you're saying? For fuck's sake, there are millions of innocent people there who want nothing more than to live their lives without intereference from Americans, terrorists, or anything like that.

IRAQ IS NOT OUR ENEMY. MUSLIMS ARE NOT OUR ENEMY. Our enemy in this "war" is terrorism, and terrorism can't be defeated by just massacring people, because all that does is breed more terrorists. OPEN YOUR EYES, DAMNIT.
Pyrus said:
Do you guys even realize what you're saying? For fuck's sake, there are millions of innocent people there who want nothing more than to live their lives without intereference from Americans, terrorists, or anything like that.

IRAQ IS NOT OUR ENEMY. MUSLIMS ARE NOT OUR ENEMY. Our enemy in this "war" is terrorism, and terrorism can't be defeated by just massacring people, because all that does is breed more terrorists. OPEN YOUR EYES, DAMNIT.
And what about all of the people here in the united state that have fallen at the hands of terrorists.
since the late 70`s they have been killing the innocent people of this world and all those innocent muslims you talk about harbor and support these terrorist fucks..........so how do we stop it? we stop it by making these fucks fear us. because that is the problem, they have no fear of dying.

pyrus said:
then who is? As hard as the US was riding the UNs ass with the sanctions and wepon inspectors and all that other bullshit, you dont think Saddam was pissed about that shit?what was stopping him from selling, or hell,even giving chemical weapons to some terrorist. We know he had them, he used them on Iran.If you think he gave up all that shit up you are a little more trusting than I am.
pyrus said:
My eyes are open dude, You know what I have seen?
I have seen freinds who have broke down in sorrow because they lost family on 9/11 .
I have seen videos on the internet of innocent people who were there to help rebuild Iraq, getting there fucking heads cut off only because they were Westerners.
I have seen numerous planes Hijacked, blown up.

What do we do with these fucks? what are we supposed to do? leave them alone?
The problem is, and I think I have written that before, you cannot erase them ALL. Even if you nuke all their countries, be fucking sure there are plenty of them in the States, in Europe studying universities, meeting in mosques (they just built a new mosque in Prague and I am scared because the rumors were the founder of the mosque was somehow connected with Al-Qaeda and holds extreme hatred towards the USA and towards Czech Republic (where he fucking lives) probably as well), getting more and more angry, smart and ready. And be also sure the biggest chiefs (with lots of money to support them and their plans) would run for cover months before the bomb would fall coz they would know already.
old school headbanger said:
And what about all of the people here in the united state that have fallen at the hands of terrorists.
since the late 70`s they have been killing the innocent people of this world and all those innocent muslims you talk about harbor and support these terrorist fucks..........so how do we stop it? we stop it by making these fucks fear us. because that is the problem, they have no fear of dying.
...dude, once again, listen to yourself. You say they have no fear of dying, and then you say killing them will make them fear us. THAT WILL DO NOTHING. For every terrrorist we'll kill ten innocents, and the children of those innocents will grow up hating America and become terrorists.

then who is? As hard as the US was riding the UNs ass with the sanctions and wepon inspectors and all that other bullshit, you dont think Saddam was pissed about that shit?what was stopping him from selling, or hell,even giving chemical weapons to some terrorist. We know he had them, he used them on Iran.If you think he gave up all that shit up you are a little more trusting than I am.
First of all, our enemy is not the fucking people of Iraq. Saddam Hussein is in capitivity. We do not have one monolithic Evil Arab Enemy; there are dozens of different factions, as likely to be at odds with each other as working together. SADDAM HUSSEIN DOES NOT = AL QAEDA. It's pretty fucking clear.

And bear in mind that NO, count them, ZERO WMDs have been found. They simply aren't there, and we've been tearing the country apart looking for them for a year.
My eyes are open dude, You know what I have seen?
I have seen freinds who have broke down in sorrow because they lost family on 9/11 .
I have seen videos on the internet of innocent people who were there to help rebuild Iraq, getting there fucking heads cut off only because they were Westerners.
I have seen numerous planes Hijacked, blown up.
Will killing innocent families bring back the 9/11 victims? Will carpet-bombing Tikrit put Nick Berg's head back on his shoulders? Will murdering children put the USS Cole back together?

What do we do with these fucks? what are we supposed to do? leave them alone?
Let's try addressing the root causes. Figure out why we are hated and what we can do to stop it. We can't stop everyone from hating us, but we can do what we can to ensure that no new terrorists are created by our actions.

I'm curious–you keep using this "they." Who is the "they"? First "they" = terrorists, then "they" = Muslims, then "they" = the entire population of the middle east.
pyrus, Thanks for making my point!!
You know if you have that much sympathy for the plight of the iraqis or as I like to call them THE FUCKING ENEMY!!! I'm sure there's no one stopping you from boarding a plane down to iraq and letting them know you feel there pain.
(I mean you see how much appreciation they have for people trying to help them) ask that female aid worker who's about to die.

Fucking liberal tree huggers (Like you) make me sick!!
I have a thought for you, Pull your head out of your ass, wipe it off and open your eyes so that MAYBE you can see things for what they are.

Iraq IS the enemy!! You're talking about "millions of innocent people there who want nothing more than to live their lives without intereference from Americans" Well without American intervention those same people would still be living under the hussein regime, you remember that regime don't you???
It was responsible for all sorts of fun activities like gassing it's own people, random torture hell random killings and rapes among other things...I don't know there pyrus, you might be right!! Sounds like a great place to live without American intereference!! So now WE corrected the problem and we we're just supposed to leave so that in a matter of months they can be in the same situtation again...Right? pyrus GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!

Shouldn't you be fighting for gay rights, baby seals or better yet out campaigning for kerry???
Pyrus said:
...dude, once again, listen to yourself. You say they have no fear of dying, and then you say killing them will make them fear us. THAT WILL DO NOTHING. For every terrrorist we'll kill ten innocents, and the children of those innocents will grow up hating America and become terrorists .
Come on dude......It is thinking like that that got us in to a situation like this.........They (muslim terrorists)teach there children to hate us from the time they start school, if they even go to school,as well as teach them that killing them selves in the name of god is a glorious thing regardless if we kill them or not, because these people have been doing this Jihad shitfor centurys,not years.I would have thought you being of the jewish faith would understand this...........
Pyrus said:
First of all, our enemy is not the fucking people of Iraq. Saddam Hussein is in capitivity. We do not have one monolithic Evil Arab Enemy; there are dozens of different factions, as likely to be at odds with each other as working together. SADDAM HUSSEIN DOES NOT = AL QAEDA. It's pretty fucking clear.

And bear in mind that NO, count them, ZERO WMDs have been found. They simply aren't there, and we've been tearing the country apart looking for them for a year.
Will killing innocent families bring back the 9/11 victims? Will carpet-bombing Tikrit put Nick Berg's head back on his shoulders? Will murdering children put the USS Cole back together?
One of the reasons we deicided to invade Iraq was to get Saddam out of power because
1) he hates america
2) he had ties to terrorism

The 9/11 comm. said in its final report that Saddam did have a connection to terrorism, Now since he didnt have ties to what happened on 9/11 that doesnt mean down the road , one of his scientists could have come up with some shit like a new chemical or biological weapon and sell it to some terrorist who brings that shit here and kills more people.
Pyrus said:
Let's try addressing the root causes. Figure out why we are hated and what we can do to stop it. We can't stop everyone from hating us, but we can do what we can to ensure that no new terrorists are created by our actions.

I'm curious–you keep using this "they." Who is the "they"? First "they" = terrorists, then "they" = Muslims, then "they" = the entire population of the middle east.
This last quote tells me exactly what I ,and all the other "Haters" here on the board have been saying.Liberals dont understand the real threat. the root cause is that they dont want the westernization of the middle east , they dont want christianity,they want to be independent of the whole world yet their goverments cant do it by themselves, and they want badly to go to Isreal kill all the jews, and take back the motherland from the infidels...............now what is your plan to to fix all this shit?
Pyrus said:
Do you guys even realize what you're saying? For fuck's sake, there are millions of innocent people there who want nothing more than to live their lives without intereference from Americans, terrorists, or anything like that.

Yeah there are millions. 27 million to be exact. Each living their daily lives in fear and insecurity, as they had a barbaric sociopath at the head of a gruesome regime. Why hell, they couldn't forget the constant dangers they lived in ... his pictures were all over the place as a reminder of under who's dominion they were bound to.
Since 1979 he has been a great threat to the Iraqi people and countries that neighbored him. Hundreds of thousands of innocents (that you continue to cry about) died by his hand. The psycho himself, has had at least 40 of his relatives murdered. The women lived continuously with great fear and intimidation. Women were beheaded to set an example.

He did possess chemical weapons. Plenty of them, it's documented. Chemical attacks were performed by the regime from 83' to 88', causing at least 30,000 deaths of people of Iraq and Iran. Anyone with any knowledge is aware of this.
Tony Blair said, himself, about a year ago somewhere along the lines that 400,000 Iraqi children died under the age of five from malnutrition and disease. All of this preventable, however due to the nature of Hussein's rule, sufficient treatment was hindered. In fact, if you are aware of anything at all, since the invasion of Iraq plenty of warehouses have been found concealing proper food supplies for the people. Why were they hidden from the citizens? Well, those nutritious foods were kept only for the regime forces.

This invasion of Iraq has been the best thing to happen to these people in a long time. In fact, it was long overdue. Some Iraqi citizens have complained about the Coalition Forces, but the vast majority (with sense) have praised our actions.

Pyrus said:
IRAQ IS NOT OUR ENEMY. MUSLIMS ARE NOT OUR ENEMY. Our enemy in this "war" is terrorism, and terrorism can't be defeated by just massacring people, because all that does is breed more terrorists. OPEN YOUR EYES, DAMNIT.

Notices that it is titled "The War on Terrorism", this also applies to any that may be involved with the terrorists. I've said it before, Hussein had ties with the terrorists on 9/11, he provided them the funding for the training. Bin Laden was seen shortly after the devastating blow to our nation on Al-Jazeera television, praising Hussein for his aid. You won't find this on CNN.
Iraq's leaders were involved with terrorism therefore they are our, no ... the world's enemies. Notice I said "Iraq's leaders" ... you're right, Iraq is not our enemy, their sick regime was.
The majority of Muslims are not our enemy. Yet that majority does not live word by word of what the Quran teaches. Most do not even read the Quran but were merely brought up as children to live by some of the disciplined principles that it implies. They neglect the countless pages that contain hate-filled scriptures. The "Muslim Radicals" as some choose to call them, which live truly by what their religion teaches, are the enemies. And if I recall correctly there are supposedly 150 million of them, who hate those they cannot convert. They hate christians and more than anything Israel. The "true" muslims are our enemies.

Pyrus said:
Let's try addressing the root causes. Figure out why we are hated and what we can do to stop it. We can't stop everyone from hating us, but we can do what we can to ensure that no new terrorists are created by our actions.

I've already briefly explained the "root causes". Figure out why we are so hated? Liberals are clueless. First, we're Americans, we are a free country. Second, America was founded on Godly principles which amounts to dedicated christianity. Yes, to you or any other liberal who tries to twist the history textbooks in school these days by saying George Washington, and a large amount of others in that era were not christians is complete and utter nonsense. This country is (leaning towards "was") a christian-based country. True muslims hate christians, the Quran commands to slaughter them. And third, and probably the most significant, is the fact that we support Israel, we are their friends. True Muslims absolutely hate Israel and anyone that has an alliance with them.
Israel is the one reason why you hate to say "all of the Middle-east is bad", they're like the one good egg in a box of rotten ones.

You're right we can't stop everyone from hating us, in fact we can't help the fact that they always will. Reasoning with the hate-filled individuals is useless. Giving them what they want will not lessen the hatred toward our country, it will merely leave us vulnerable to another dreadful attack. Try to ensure that no new terrorists are created by our actions? Actually, there's plenty more "new terrorists" being created every single day anyway due to their circumstances, and bonds with relatives that are terrorists whether we are there in Iraq or not. So, our present actions are causing no more than what hatred that has already been kindled since the beginning. I believe you're the one needing to open your eyes. Our eyes are peeled.

Now to address the title of this thread. I am reluctant when it comes to bombing Iraq, and I believe it should be a last resort. I know they've pushed us and some have certainly shown that they do not desire any aid. And there have been some ridiculous incidents since the time we have been there.
While a decent amount that makes up the population are nothing short of "evil" people, bombing Iraq is not the correct option ... yet. I hope that it never comes down to it and I don't believe it will. We are there to rebuild a region that was corrupted by a sociopath, and rife with danger.
And trust me guys, I'm not being "soft" here ... though I believe that it is an option that should truly be set aside, only to be aroused if we are provoked to concluding that it would be the only solution. Thankfully, I don't think it will be.

I'll continue on later.
Guitarmaster said:
Yeah there are millions. 27 million to be exact. Each living their daily lives in fear and insecurity, as they had a barbaric sociopath at the head of a gruesome regime. Why hell, they couldn't forget the constant dangers they lived in ... his pictures were all over the place as a reminder of under who's dominion they were bound to.
Since 1979 he has been a great threat to the Iraqi people and countries that neighbored him. Hundreds of thousands of innocents (that you continue to cry about) died by his hand. The psycho himself, has had at least 40 of his relatives murdered. The women lived continuously with great fear and intimidation. Women were beheaded to set an example.

He did possess chemical weapons. Plenty of them, it's documented. Chemical attacks were performed by the regime from 83' to 88', causing at least 30,000 deaths of people of Iraq and Iran. Anyone with any knowledge is aware of this.
Tony Blair said, himself, about a year ago somewhere along the lines that 400,000 Iraqi children died under the age of five from malnutrition and disease. All of this preventable, however due to the nature of Hussein's rule, sufficient treatment was hindered. In fact, if you are aware of anything at all, since the invasion of Iraq plenty of warehouses have been found concealing proper food supplies for the people. Why were they hidden from the citizens? Well, those nutritious foods were kept only for the regime forces.

This invasion of Iraq has been the best thing to happen to these people in a long time. In fact, it was long overdue. Some Iraqi citizens have complained about the Coalition Forces, but the vast majority (with sense) have praised our actions.

Notices that it is titled "The War on Terrorism", this also applies to any that may be involved with the terrorists. I've said it before, Hussein had ties with the terrorists on 9/11, he provided them the funding for the training. Bin Laden was seen shortly after the devastating blow to our nation on Al-Jazeera television, praising Hussein for his aid. You won't find this on CNN.
Iraq's leaders were involved with terrorism therefore they are our, no ... the world's enemies. Notice I said "Iraq's leaders" ... you're right, Iraq is not our enemy, their sick regime was.
The majority of Muslims are not our enemy. Yet that majority does not live word by word of what the Quran teaches. Most do not even read the Quran but were merely brought up as children to live by some of the disciplined principles that it implies. They neglect the countless pages that contain hate-filled scriptures. The "Muslim Radicals" as some choose to call them, which live truly by what their religion teaches, are the enemies. And if I recall correctly there are supposedly 150 million of them, who hate those they cannot convert. They hate christians and more than anything Israel. The "true" muslims are our enemies.

I've already briefly explained the "root causes". Figure out why we are so hated? Liberals are clueless. First, we're Americans, we are a free country. Second, America was founded on Godly principles which amounts to dedicated christianity. Yes, to you or any other liberal who tries to twist the history textbooks in school these days by saying George Washington, and a large amount of others in that era were not christians is complete and utter nonsense. This country is (leaning towards "was") a christian-based country. True muslims hate christians, the Quran commands to slaughter them. And third, and probably the most significant, is the fact that we support Israel, we are their friends. True Muslims absolutely hate Israel and anyone that has an alliance with them.
Israel is the one reason why you hate to say "all of the Middle-east is bad", they're like the one good egg in a box of rotten ones.

You're right we can't stop everyone from hating us, in fact we can't help the fact that they always will. Reasoning with the hate-filled individuals is useless. Giving them what they want will not lessen the hatred toward our country, it will merely leave us vulnerable to another dreadful attack. Try to ensure that no new terrorists are created by our actions? Actually, there's plenty more "new terrorists" being created every single day anyway due to their circumstances, and bonds with relatives that are terrorists whether we are there in Iraq or not. So, our present actions are causing no more than what hatred that has already been kindled since the beginning. I believe you're the one needing to open your eyes. Our eyes are peeled.

Now to address the title of this thread. I am reluctant when it comes to bombing Iraq, and I believe it should be a last resort. I know they've pushed us and some have certainly shown that they do not desire any aid. And there have been some ridiculous incidents since the time we have been there.
While a decent amount that makes up the population are nothing short of "evil" people, bombing Iraq is not the correct option ... yet. I hope that it never comes down to it and I don't believe it will. We are there to rebuild a region that was corrupted by a sociopath, and rife with danger.
And trust me guys, I'm not being "soft" here ... though I believe that it is an option that should truly be set aside, only to be aroused if we are provoked to concluding that it would be the only solution. Thankfully, I don't think it will be.

I'll continue on later.
Well said guitarmaster, well said........................

Like I said before, there is really no other way to change these muslims beliefs ........... They are taught to hate from the time they are able to understand,I truly belive there really is no other way than to make them fear us.
we need to take all those troops and surround fallugia , drop a shit load of leaflets telling them we are going to march into the city and destroy everything......there will be people who flee, but they will be stopped and detained...........the ones who stay, well obviously they want to fight, bring in the B-1s and carpet bomb the mother fucker.........for like 48 hours, plane after plane, bomb after bomb(cant forget the artillery surrounding the city)....and have it telivised on every Iraqi channel..............o_O
no fucking mercy..........thats how you win a war.:hotjump: