OK, I have a new outlook on the war in Iraq

All these bugeating jawas are oue enemy. Its time to discriminate against all Iraq. None of them are innocent. And any other country that even has the slightest hint of terrorism has got to be destroyed.
More people who disagree with you....WWIII here we come!
Don't worry though pyrus..They say that cockroaches will survive a nuclear war
so you'll be o.k.

bobo'c said:
All these bugeating jawas are oue enemy. Its time to discriminate against all Iraq. None of them are innocent. And any other country that even has the slightest hint of terrorism has got to be destroyed.
Ehem, Iraq is not the enemy, and neither is Saddam Hussien. Why would Saddam give his nukes to terrorists, when if he gives his power away, he has no power, therefor cannot maintain a dictatorship?

Dictatorships only work if you have something to control your people with. If he gave his WMD away, THEN HE WOULD HAVE NO DICTATORSHIP. It's a logical flaw, so you Bush-Cheney assholes lose. Fuck yourselves.
Lugie said:
Ehem, Iraq is not the enemy, and neither is Saddam Hussien. Why would Saddam give his nukes to terrorists, when if he gives his power away, he has no power, therefor cannot maintain a dictatorship?

Dictatorships only work if you have something to control your people with. If he gave his WMD away, THEN HE WOULD HAVE NO DICTATORSHIP. It's a logical flaw, so you Bush-Cheney assholes lose. Fuck yourselves.

Were sold to him by reagan and rumsfeld in the 80's and shipped to Syria while France and Germany stalled the American invasion at the UN.
They have them FAct!!! we have the reciepts
We've been told to fuck ourselves by a monkey with the same name as something you spit out....I think you lose there lugie....No wait a minute,
what I meant to say is YOU'RE A LOSER LUGIE!!!!!
Yeah that's it

Lugie said:
Ehem, Iraq is not the enemy, and neither is Saddam Hussien. Why would Saddam give his nukes to terrorists, when if he gives his power away, he has no power, therefor cannot maintain a dictatorship?

Dictatorships only work if you have something to control your people with. If he gave his WMD away, THEN HE WOULD HAVE NO DICTATORSHIP. It's a logical flaw, so you Bush-Cheney assholes lose. Fuck yourselves.
Japan got bombed and then was rebuilt to be one of the highest technology manufacturers on the planet.You can nuke Iraq,but then 20 years from now,you might have a computer made from there. :Spin:

I agree with you, There's no stoping it no matter how many we kill.
But I think the President is just trying to contain it over there.

But your post is right on the money....No matter how much we try the end is truly unavoidable (Especially w/ N.Korea having nukes)

Good Post!! Short, but extremely to the point!!

Decibiel said:
If you try to kill them all, it's not going away, if you don't try to kill them all, it's not going away.
This is how life is going to be until humanity destroys itself.
Neutron bomb, solves the worlds problems.

The whole liberal perspective on this war is totally askew. People screaming WW3, we are all gonna die etc etc. Jesus christ, I wonder what would have happened to have people like this around during WW2, when we would lose 100,000 americans per year.

These people dont give two shits about each other or anyone else. Islam is a handy excuse to recruit the weak minded and uneducated vermin that populate that part of the world.

I spent time in Pakistan for numerous months starting a week after september 11 2001, and most of the people there (80%) have a third grade level education. The pakistani's told us most of them comprehend like a third grader would.

So we are trying to help peope who possibly could still believe in the easter bunny and be above the age of 15. We are helping people that not more than 60 years ago were living like it was 700 a.d. ( and in some places still do..in pakistan they live in shit/mud/straw brick huts ) Trying to help people that think my oakley's I have on are actually Xray vision goggles.

The fact that they kidnap one of their own that has nothing to do with the coalition is not surprising. The iraqi people, even though they may not know where the bad guys are, sure as hell are not doing enough for themselves. They have a fucking welfare state attitude.

Sorry about the rant, I just get sick of going over to that sandbox shithole every year and see those people still being fucking stupid. I hate our law of armed conflict, you cannot play nice and win wars. Unfortunetly we cannot dominate like WW2. Dont think we had a problem bombing a church back then, but can we bomb a mosque filled with militant scum? Fuck no, thank you liberals.
It makes sense to me.....But then again I'm not liberal...VOTE BUSH!!!!

Evil Dead said:
Neutron bomb, solves the worlds problems.

The whole liberal perspective on this war is totally askew. People screaming WW3, we are all gonna die etc etc. Jesus christ, I wonder what would have happened to have people like this around during WW2, when we would lose 100,000 americans per year.

These people dont give two shits about each other or anyone else. Islam is a handy excuse to recruit the weak minded and uneducated vermin that populate that part of the world.

I spent time in Pakistan for numerous months starting a week after september 11 2001, and most of the people there (80%) have a third grade level education. The pakistani's told us most of them comprehend like a third grader would.

So we are trying to help peope who possibly could still believe in the easter bunny and be above the age of 15. We are helping people that not more than 60 years ago were living like it was 700 a.d. ( and in some places still do..in pakistan they live in shit/mud/straw brick huts ) Trying to help people that think my oakley's I have on are actually Xray vision goggles.

The fact that they kidnap one of their own that has nothing to do with the coalition is not surprising. The iraqi people, even though they may not know where the bad guys are, sure as hell are not doing enough for themselves. They have a fucking welfare state attitude.

Sorry about the rant, I just get sick of going over to that sandbox shithole every year and see those people still being fucking stupid. I hate our law of armed conflict, you cannot play nice and win wars. Unfortunetly we cannot dominate like WW2. Dont think we had a problem bombing a church back then, but can we bomb a mosque filled with militant scum? Fuck no, thank you liberals.