OK, I have a new outlook on the war in Iraq

Damn fucking straight!!!!!
Kill em all!!! Let them hate us from beyond the grave!!

old school headbanger said:
Well said guitarmaster, well said........................

Like I said before, there is really no other way to change these muslims beliefs ........... They are taught to hate from the time they are able to understand,I truly belive there really is no other way than to make them fear us.
we need to take all those troops and surround fallugia , drop a shit load of leaflets telling them we are going to march into the city and destroy everything......there will be people who flee, but they will be stopped and detained...........the ones who stay, well obviously they want to fight, bring in the B-1s and carpet bomb the mother fucker.........for like 48 hours, plane after plane, bomb after bomb(cant forget the artillery surrounding the city)....and have it telivised on every Iraqi channel..............o_O
no fucking mercy..........thats how you win a war.:hotjump:
T_Man said:
pyrus, Thanks for making my point!!
You know if you have that much sympathy for the plight of the iraqis or as I like to call them THE FUCKING ENEMY!!! I'm sure there's no one stopping you from boarding a plane down to iraq and letting them know you feel there pain.
(I mean you see how much appreciation they have for people trying to help them) ask that female aid worker who's about to die.

Ah Christ, I give up, I can't argue with an entire message board full of hateful nimrods. Guitarmaster is the only one who was at all reasonable, and he's blinded by his belief that Iraqis are for some reason "evil people." The rest of you continued babbling about this mysterious "they," failed once again to correctly define our enemy, and in general acted like a bunch of bloodthirsty simpletons with no understanding of world politics or the reason Iraq is so wartorn.

When World War III breaks out, remember, it's jackasses like you people who helped make it possible.
Hah, I'M acting like an ass? You crack me up, chum. I came here to provide some balance and rational debate, because it's not accomplishing much if all you guys do is sit around and pat each other on the back about what good conservative Americans you are. But that debate is not to be found here, nor do I have the time or resources to argue with six people at a time, only one or two of whom use any form of logical reasoning. Hence, I'm going to take my leave, or at least avoid the political threads, because obviously the opposing viewpoint is not tolerated here.

And for the record, S.O.D. fucking rules.
Pyrus said:

Ah Christ, I give up, I can't argue with an entire message board full of hateful nimrods. Guitarmaster is the only one who was at all reasonable, and he's blinded by his belief that Iraqis are for some reason "evil people." The rest of you continued babbling about this mysterious "they," failed once again to correctly define our enemy, and in general acted like a bunch of bloodthirsty simpletons with no understanding of world politics or the reason Iraq is so wartorn.

When World War III breaks out, remember, it's jackasses like you people who helped make it possible.
FUCK THE IRAQI'S, FUCK YOU AND FUCK OFF. Who the fuck are you to call people out like that. You are just a fucking stuck up prick.
Pyrus said:
Guitarmaster is the only one who was at all reasonable, and he's blinded by his belief that Iraqis are for some reason "evil people."QUOTE]

You took out of context what it is that I said man. I said "While a decent amount that makes up the population are nothing short of "evil" people". I see now that I didn't make myself too clear on that statement. The vast majority of the population in Iraq I do not believe to be "evil" (many are good people) though I did apply this title to those of the Regime and its supporters (a decent amount being citizens). Keywords: Not all of them. Understand that I do not think everyone is evil there, this being the chief reason why I would be reluctant to bombing Iraq.
As far as making them fear us ... I believe most already do or are extremely wary of Bush.
Pyrus said:
Hah, I'M acting like an ass? You crack me up, chum. I came here to provide some balance and rational debate, because it's not accomplishing much if all you guys do is sit around and pat each other on the back about what good conservative Americans you are. But that debate is not to be found here, nor do I have the time or resources to argue with six people at a time, only one or two of whom use any form of logical reasoning. Hence, I'm going to take my leave, or at least avoid the political threads, because obviously the opposing viewpoint is not tolerated here.

And for the record, S.O.D. fucking rules.
Oh, I was just asking because I never saw you express any love for S.O.D. in the GMD.
Pyrus said:
Hah, I'M acting like an ass? You crack me up, chum. I came here to provide some balance and rational debate, because it's not accomplishing much if all you guys do is sit around and pat each other on the back about what good conservative Americans you are. But that debate is not to be found here, nor do I have the time or resources to argue with six people at a time, only one or two of whom use any form of logical reasoning. Hence, I'm going to take my leave, or at least avoid the political threads, because obviously the opposing viewpoint is not tolerated here.

I'm actually open to a balanced and rational debate. Rational discussions are scarce to come by on most forums, democratic or republican. Those with an opposing viewpoint don't bother me, it's the manner they go about sharing their thoughts with me. Frankly, I am highly unimpressed with what the democratic liberals have been throwing out lately. The best they seem to be able to come up with is "redneck", "dumb war loving idiot", and "liar". All of these being insults directed toward the President. It not only displays a low form of intelligence, but also how desparate they have become.

Another key, yet amusing element within the democrat's arsenal is their plea for "peace and love". I think anyone with any bit of intellect has a strong and insatiable desire for peace. Yet since the beginning of time the strongly sought after "peace", has hardly existed. The world continues to grow darker every day so how is it that peace is possible more so in these days than centuries ago? Sadly, we can't all get along, while sociopath tyrants and terrorists will always exist to threaten those in comfort. And the reason for a world encumbered in darkness is not because of Bush, while the liberals attempt to state this. Get over it, he's not evil.
To my point that began the above paragraph. The majority of democratic liberals are nothing more than hypocritical. They beckon for peace and to allow the innocent inhabitants (that they always plea to preserve) to remain thralls to a "true" evil man. While if opinions differ from their own here in their very own country, they resort to acts of hatred and violence toward their fellow "brothers and sisters". Let me name a few examples to support my statement.

In one protest in Orlando, the office was vandalized and one campaign worker had their arm broken in the melee.

In Canton, Ohio, a Bush-Cheney '04 staffer was forced to lock herself in an office while another break-in was in progress.

Gunshots were fired into Bush-Cheney '04 offices in West Virginia, Florida and Tennessee, windows broken in West Virginia and campaign staffers threatened.

In Wisconsin, a supporter of the president had a swastika burned into his front yard simply because he had a Bush-Cheney '04 lawn sign.

These are just a few of the recent actions that took place.

While there may be some hate-filled words being spewed from both sides, the democrats clearly have the republicans beat in that area. How is it that you want peace, when you take violent actions or leave hateful signs to those (American brothers) because they think differently than you?

I'm not directing any of this to you, Pyrus, in fact I have yet to see you throw out anything like this on these forums, so don't take this as if I am accusing you of any of the actions stated.
Fuck You pyrus!!! You're such a fucking pussy!
No wait a minute you're right, about everything.
All I know is I better jump over to your side...You know embrace your ideas
I mean after all that's the only way to stop WWIII....Fucking clown!

And who the fuck are you to say that Guitarmaster is blinded by anything??
If anyone is blind here it's you!! I mean think about it...This is Billy Milano.com
If you were going to pick a site to spew your Richard Gere "I love everyone" bullshit It shouldn't be this one...i'll tell you what though other than the terrorist fucks who can't die fast enough...I definetly classify good for nothing
love everyone, hate nobody, everything is o.k. fags like you as the enemy as well.

You're a brainless piece of shit who like I said...If you have so much sympathy and love for the iraqis...Get the fuck over there!!

Pyrus said:

Ah Christ, I give up, I can't argue with an entire message board full of hateful nimrods. Guitarmaster is the only one who was at all reasonable, and he's blinded by his belief that Iraqis are for some reason "evil people." The rest of you continued babbling about this mysterious "they," failed once again to correctly define our enemy, and in general acted like a bunch of bloodthirsty simpletons with no understanding of world politics or the reason Iraq is so wartorn.

When World War III breaks out, remember, it's jackasses like you people who helped make it possible.
Guitarmaster said:
I'm actually open to a balanced and rational debate. Rational discussions are scarce to come by on most forums, democratic or republican. Those with an opposing viewpoint don't bother me, it's the manner they go about sharing their thoughts with me. Frankly, I am highly unimpressed with what the democratic liberals have been throwing out lately. The best they seem to be able to come up with is "redneck", "dumb war loving idiot", and "liar". All of these being insults directed toward the President. It not only displays a low form of intelligence, but also how desparate they have become.
It's a shame that you can't have a rational debate. I too am unimpressed with what the liberals have been saying. And I'm not just saying this to agree with you, I know because I get into a political argument almost everyday at the school I go to. The most intelligent thing the Bush haters can come up with is "Bush is stupid". They seem to be the ones who make it impossible to have a rational debate because all they do is respond with cheap shots when they're back into a corner. I'm all for a smart debate.

To my point that began the above paragraph. The majority of democratic liberals are nothing more than hypocritical. They beckon for peace and to allow the innocent inhabitants (that they always plea to preserve) to remain thralls to a "true" evil man. While if opinions differ from their own here in their very own country, they resort to acts of hatred and violence toward their fellow "brothers and sisters". Let me name a few examples to support my statement.

In one protest in Orlando, the office was vandalized and one campaign worker had their arm broken in the melee.

In Canton, Ohio, a Bush-Cheney '04 staffer was forced to lock herself in an office while another break-in was in progress.

Gunshots were fired into Bush-Cheney '04 offices in West Virginia, Florida and Tennessee, windows broken in West Virginia and campaign staffers threatened.

In Wisconsin, a supporter of the president had a swastika burned into his front yard simply because he had a Bush-Cheney '04 lawn sign.

These are just a few of the recent actions that took place.

While there may be some hate-filled words being spewed from both sides, the democrats clearly have the republicans beat in that area. How is it that you want peace, when you take violent actions or leave hateful signs to those (American brothers) because they think differently than you?
Where I live, people vandalize Bush/Cheney '04 signs, rip them apart, and threaten the people who support the president. They even damage cars who have Bush/Cheney '04 bumper stickers! All this from the same people who claim to be non-violent.
Heh, believe me, I'm not stranger to that kind of politically inspired violence. Would it surprise you to know that the same things have happened to Kerry/Edwards staffers? That's the Black Block anarchists doing their thing, and to them, Kerry & Bush are both equally bad parts of the political machine, etc.

I'd enjoy a reasonable debate on the presidential issue or whatever, but give me a few days; I've got a lot of concerts coming up and I'm burnt out by some of the idiocy displayed in this thread. Speaking of which, T_man, how the hell do you get internet access in your cave?

Cryptkeeper said:
Oh, I was just asking because I never saw you express any love for S.O.D. in the GMD.
Good point, I should probably be promoting them more. I've been on a massive "obscure thrash" kick lately, so everything I say (in case you haven't noticed) involves Xentrix, Sabbat or Chakal and why those who don't listen to them are poseur fags. :D
Pyrus said:
I'd enjoy a reasonable debate on the presidential issue or whatever, but give me a few days; I've got a lot of concerts coming up and I'm burnt out by some of the idiocy displayed in this thread.
Believe me, if you want to see idiocy, come to my school, and hang out with this group of hippies who hate me.

Good point, I should probably be promoting them more. I've been on a massive "obscure thrash" kick lately, so everything I say (in case you haven't noticed) involves Xentrix, Sabbat or Chakal and why those who don't listen to them are poseur fags. :D
I've seen some of your posts. I've posted some things in the "Thrash!" thread.
Pyrus said:

Dude why do you think you can have a $ bounty for the head ,of the leaders, of the enemy (AKA they).......and someone hasnt come forward? That says to me that they all are in cahoots..... If they are all going to suffer for it................so be it..............

Damn Pyrus, why you getting so angry dude? theres no need to call anyone a cunt,
Mother fucker....I'd LOVE to meet your non violent pussy ass in a neutral cave of your choice and discuss our differences...The way it is meant to be..

But since that will NEVER happen...take your enemy sympathizing retarded little ideas and cram 'em up your ass!! YOU"RE A LOSER!!!!

Oh No....i'm sorry pyrus!!!! Plaese don't start WWIII because of me..
Fucking weak people make me sick both mentally and physically
And I'm sure you meet both requirements pyrus....so take a bow

Pyrus said:
Heh, believe me, I'm not stranger to that kind of politically inspired violence. Would it surprise you to know that the same things have happened to Kerry/Edwards staffers? That's the Black Block anarchists doing their thing, and to them, Kerry & Bush are both equally bad parts of the political machine, etc.

I'd enjoy a reasonable debate on the presidential issue or whatever, but give me a few days; I've got a lot of concerts coming up and I'm burnt out by some of the idiocy displayed in this thread. Speaking of which, T_man, how the hell do you get internet access in your cave?

Good point, I should probably be promoting them more. I've been on a massive "obscure thrash" kick lately, so everything I say (in case you haven't noticed) involves Xentrix, Sabbat or Chakal and why those who don't listen to them are poseur fags. :D
OSH: that's horrible reasoning, man. The average Iraqi has no idea where the leaders of Hussein's government are, much less Osama bin Laden, who–I must repeat again–has NO connection to the Iraqi government, let alone the Iraqi people.

Occasional profanity gets people's attention.

T_man: Where are you getting the idea that I'm non-violent? I'm just against the senseless murder of innocents. That doesn't mean I wouldn't cheerfully take a baseball bat to Osama bin Laden's skull for all the suffering and pain he's caused.

And it's pretty pathetic that the best you can come up with is "I WILL KICK YOUR ASS BECAUSE I DISAGREE WITH YOU!"
"And it's pretty pathetic that the best you can come up with is "I WILL KICK YOUR ASS BECAUSE I DISAGREE WITH YOU!"[/QUOTE

I never said I would kick your ass.....I implied it, It's more fun that way!!

"Occasional profanity gets people's attention."

And it's ALOT more fun!!!

and basically instead of ripping the rest of your post apart...let me just say that I honestly don't care one way or the other how you think or what choices you make...There has to be people like you out there or else it wouldn't be a two party system now would it...It's just that you got mad and started ranting like a retarded monkey (The WWIII comment made me laugh) I just couldn't pass up harrassing you....I don't believe in ANY of the liberal shit you're spewing....Our President deems it important enough for us to be there and I support the Pres 100%....But I suppose he's really not your president right?? Your presidents a guy named gore who was cheated and blah blah blah..I've heard it all before. Anyway kid, I'm all done busting your ass....believe it or not but most of it was done in fun!!
Pyrus said:
That doesn't mean I wouldn't cheerfully take a baseball bat to Osama bin Laden's skull for all the suffering and pain he's caused.

I myself would steal his favourite goat Hfaiza from him, no more boom-boom for Osama! And then you can move in with the bat.
Pyrus said:
OSH: that's horrible reasoning, man. The average Iraqi has no idea where the leaders of Hussein's government are, much less Osama bin Laden, who–I must repeat again–has NO connection to the Iraqi government, let alone the Iraqi people.
your right there is no connection between the two. but they both have a connection to terrorism.......and that is what this war is ......a war on terrorism............and they is no one saying that the average Iraqi is to blame here, but hell, these people need to do shit for themselves. they need to turn in the fuckers that are causeing all the shit our troops are facing right now.If you think no one there knows where these fucks are you just a little to naive dude....................................................