ok im getting excited so... my PP5 dream(realistic) list


Jan 8, 2002
st. louis

Heimdall 5:00 - 5:45
Brainstorm 6:15 - 7:00
Apocalyptica 7:30 - 8:30
Running Wild 9:00 - 10:30
(Prog headliner) I cant think of a headliner that hasnt already played 11:-close


Lost Horizon 5:00 - 5:45
Sonata Arctica 6:15 - 7:00
Grave Digger 7:30 - 8:30
Aria (www.aria.ru) in case you havent heard one of the greatest bands ever 9:00 - 11:00
Iced Earth 11:30 - close

Its pretty feasible witht he exception of the arifare on all the bands... but who knows, I can dream can't I?
I have plenty of great metal in my collection, and while a few bands in that list are cool, the majority are just okay. There are tons of other bands that I rather see that are not on that list like Labyrinth, Vision Divine, Stratovarius, Skylark, Star One, Section A, Adagio, Human Fortress, Empty Tremor, Hollow, Symphorce, Dreamscape, Helloween, DGM, Mob Rules, and the list goes on and on. Lost Horizon's las album is cool, and I would love to see Sonata Arctica, but the rest I could care less about. I'll consider the counseling though; thanks for the advice Mo.
With the exception of Brainstorm and Iced Earth (who Glenn has already said he can't afford) the rest doesn't interest me. And since none of those bands qualify as Prog Metal, I wouldn't say it's overly realistic for a festival that is supposed to be Prog and Power. Just my $0.02.

Nightwish58, you have a good taste for metal, but how can you like Skylark. They are horrible!!!!!!!
I would love to have any of the folllowing bands next year at PP:
Grave Digger
Lost Horizon
Nocturnal Rites
etc (all bands I have not seen before)
Absolutely not Masterplan, unless they get a different vocalist. Jorn Lande belongs in Ark! Lost Horizon would be Excellent and once again I have to say : MEZARKABUL/Pentagram from Turkey!!
alexofbodom said:
Nightwish58, you have a good taste for metal, but how can you like Skylark. They are horrible!!!!!!!
I would love to have any of the folllowing bands next year at PP:
Grave Digger
Lost Horizon
Nocturnal Rites
etc (all bands I have not seen before)

There is just something about Skylark that I really like; the music is great although the singer needs some help, but anyway, I used to love Eldritch until they changed direction, and the new Andromeda is incredible! Never heard Kalmah or Sentenced.
Nightwish58, if you like Children of Bodom you will also dig Kalmah. They are one of best melodic death bands out there. Sentenced is Paradise Lost (Draconian Times era) style. In my opinion, the best slow/depressing metal out there. You should check out their last album Cold White Light (They have released around 7 CDs already). Kalmah has released three.
My god...please...enough...I really have to express my half-heartedly amused distaste at yet another masturbatory wish-list expression for the next show...

Whew...good to get off my chest (again)...

Now...let the bashing begin...who did I piss off?
I don't think people here often "bash". They either ignore or support. And I for one am with you on this. I hate these Wish List threads ESPECIALLY this far in advance. But whatevah
wow..."whiney ass bitching"...I guess I've been told.

"what the hell is wrong with you people"...nothing, just looking for more stimulating topics regarding metal than fanciful, never-ending "wish lists". Although once one starts, it's amazing how long a "wish list" post will continue before it winds down, so a lot of other people must get off on it.

...all my criticism is in good-natured fun, though...if it weren't for fanatical metal freaks like us, there would be no scene at all...you guys (and girls) ROCK ON!