PP USA IX schedule

i'm new. i gotta know... what did Jorn do to Glenn?

He released a live album recently of his PP set after deciding not to include anything on the PP DVD which is the reason everything was recorded in the first place. Granted the bands have final say about the DVD, as far as I can tell, he never even informed Glenn about the album which to me would at least be a common courtesy.
After listening to Live in America, I don't recall the word "Progpower" even mentioned a single time in the between song banter. Either it was edited out if JORN did say it or he was careful enough not to mention it. I'm a hopeless conspiracy theorist.
After listening to Live in America, I don't recall the word "Progpower" even mentioned a single time in the between song banter. Either it was edited out if JORN did say it or he was careful enough not to mention it. I'm a hopeless conspiracy theorist.

I wasn't even sure it was the PP performance when people first became aware of the release since not a single thing mentions it being recorded at PP, either. Anytime the Savage Circus live album is mentioned, it always says it's the PP performance. Redemption has already made it aware they're releasing the DVD of the PP performance.
Yep, it's pretty aggravating.

Unless something changed, Glenn (or Lucid Lounge) never got paid for Jorn's usage of the footage.

To Jorn, I say: Now I imagine your extinction; now I dismiss you from my attention.

Serenity 4:00-4:45
Spheric Universe Experience 5:15-6:00
Astral Doors 6:30-7:30
Volbeat 8:00-9:00
Jon Oliva's Pain 9:30-10:45
Headliner 11:30-close


Pathosray 4:00-4:45
Elvenking 5:15-6:00
Andromeda 6:30-7:30
Iron Savior 8:00-9:00
Riverside 9:30-10:45
Headliner 11:30-close