ok, im screwed.


Feb 4, 2002
Well i went to the dentist today and well well well.....it looks like i have to have my wisdom teeth out. Now, im not too troubled by that part but the fucking price is unbelievable. I do have health insurance (MBF) but even with that i will still have to pay around $1100! i cant afford that! im fuckin broke as it is, i cant afford $1100 on a couple of bastard teeth

Mine cost me $500 for the aneths... anesthet... bloke who knocks you out, and about $1200 for all four teeth to be removed. Luckily for me I had just quit my job and sold some shares so I had the money for it. Oh, and the entire thing was 100% painless! Sure, I couldn't eat properly for a couple of days but apart from that I had no problems whatsoever.
Originally posted by The Trooper

Dentists charge far too much.

That they do. Bastards. :mad:
Not even the povo of the community get it cheaper.
My mouth is a little on the wee side (hard to tell when I'm yabbing :lol: ) and can't really accomodate my wisdom teeth, but so far I'm managing quite well. ;) I did have one yanked about 10 years ago but only because of an infection. I'm living fairly happily with 2 more at the moment and although I would love them removed I just can't afford it. Just do your best to keep the gums clean and you should be able to get away with it for a bit. ;)