Ok, see you at wacken


(sym)phony (com)poser
Dec 16, 2001
Allright people, I'm standing at the Stockholm airport waiting for my flight to OSLO(for rehearsal) so, see you at Wacken open air.

mr V
:cry: :cry: I'd never have any chance to see any vintersorg concert.... Too far and too poor... And I don't think he would make an apearance in my hometown...doing so would ruin him....A show with about 2 or 3 person. (I live in one of the biggest town in Québec but ...V is unknown here...)
Everyone who's at Wacken: give Vintersorg and the Borkies big smooches from those who have to stay behind! :wave:

P.S.: Did Mr. V actually write that post from the airport? :confused:
Originally posted by The Nomad

You DARE doubt the word of the V!
There are often internet kiosks in airports. At least in Europe...

I'm humbled by your righftul reprimand! :cry:
I will never doubt the word of V again.

I've never seen internet kiosks here...
I was in Wacken when this thread came up, but I just returned from there and it was great, with sun, rain, mud etc... ok the rain and mud wasn't nice but the nice memories shine over the bad ones...
... and nice to meet some lovely people from UM... :) esp. Borknagar :) :) :D *Morg happy*
Welcome back, Morg! Yeah, you should create a whole new thread which you will fill with all your lovely Wacken stories! :D