Ok, see you at wacken

Found a cow bell on the net :grin:


we need a bit more leather and some spike on it :lol:
Yes, good idea. The first edition will come as a hardcover filled with lots of illustrations done by Lordie. The deluxe edition, as it were. Additionally, there will be a MCD at the back of the book with some nice bell tunes.
That's a good idea. And each member of the gang should be clearly identifiable by this logo. A sound file would be cool, too. Of course, a different ring tone for every member as we've already discussed. ;)
Originally posted by Somber Soul
And in the end, all of you will blame me for perverting this thread. :cry: *scapegoat-somber*

Stop crying! Ok..it was you who came up with those cowbells.... :p
But we're obviously having some fun here - so who cares? :grin:
Originally posted by Gaunerin
OMG what did we do to this thread!? :grin:

What we're doing... well, planning the next Wacken invasion...

Since the RockHard does not present Wacken anymore, we should think of taking it over!
The Hell's Bells surely taking care of all the booze... esp. for Somber Soul. :grin:
Wacken can be proud of being presented by us :p
They will get the best bell sound ever!!!
Originally posted by Morgana
Since the RockHard does not present Wacken anymore, we should think of taking it over!

Doesn't sound like W:O:A anymore but a UM festival where all bands from the UM boards will play for all UM forum members ;)
how could i have missed this thread?!?! :confused:
anyways, first of: the guy who was with me was just a friend of mine, not someone from UM...
and the meeting with you folx was short indeed... i only saw you there at the borkie show... but it was fun anyways!!

and for next year: why stop with cow bells and flags and all that... why dont we make our own UM stage in the camp area!!! :grin: The Ultimate Metal Camp Stage! HAHA! :lol:
there all of us can play whatever we want, and we can use the cow bells to play our Vintersorg covers on the stage!!
Originally posted by HellSpawn

why dont we make our own UM stage in the camp area!!! :grin: The Ultimate Metal Camp Stage! HAHA! :lol:

...with our UM's bands!!! yes, it's fantastic idea!!!
Originally posted by HellSpawn
and for next year: why stop with cow bells and flags and all that... why dont we make our own UM stage in the camp area!!! :grin: The Ultimate Metal Camp Stage! HAHA! :lol:
there all of us can play whatever we want, and we can use the cow bells to play our Vintersorg covers on the stage!!

haha....HellSpawn brings it all to an even greater extent :grin:
Any more crazy ideas?
I should probably start practising with those cowbells ;) who knows what will be next...