GhostOfPerdition said:1. I'm not American, I'm Canadian. (Yeah it's generally the same thing, I know)
2. I'm not new to metal. I've been listening to it since I was able to listen to music and I've listened to Bodom since Hatebreeder. (OMG NOT SINCE SOMETHING WILD OMG OMG OMG)
3. I'm not an idiot. Dressing "metal" is just as bad as dressing "emo". I dress in what is practical and what I feel looks nice. That could involve wearing a Bodom t-shirt or even wearing a t-shirt from Wal Mart. Whatever works. People need to stop spending time on trying to fit into one mould based on the music they like. Having a clothing or image fixation is stupid.
So what you're saying is.. Anyone who dresses "metal" wears makeup, PVC and is a depressing fag?