Ok so I've got a question regarding my friend

GhostOfPerdition said:
1. I'm not American, I'm Canadian. (Yeah it's generally the same thing, I know)
2. I'm not new to metal. I've been listening to it since I was able to listen to music and I've listened to Bodom since Hatebreeder. (OMG NOT SINCE SOMETHING WILD OMG OMG OMG)
3. I'm not an idiot. Dressing "metal" is just as bad as dressing "emo". I dress in what is practical and what I feel looks nice. That could involve wearing a Bodom t-shirt or even wearing a t-shirt from Wal Mart. Whatever works. People need to stop spending time on trying to fit into one mould based on the music they like. Having a clothing or image fixation is stupid.

So what you're saying is.. Anyone who dresses "metal" wears makeup, PVC and is a depressing fag? :)
btw people who say metal music are retarded. just say metal for fucks sake everyone will know what you mean. i know a kid whos a total mallgoth who says yeah i listen to black metal music and its just fucking retarded.
god that really hits a nerve UNNGGH
Warheart666 said:
here's a picture for you guys


lmao. thats me. fuck you rohan for using the emoest picture you could find. im not looking down because i was sad. i waslooking down because i was attempting to immprov a pseudo-solo on a spanish-style guitar in guitar class. and it looks like im wearing makeup. im not, i just have rings around my eyes naturally haha.
In Your Face said:
ahahahaha!!!! Oh man... "metal" chicks are usually SOOO ugly... and fat. At least the American ones are.

have you ever seen the keyboardest for Abigail Williams?

Originally Posted by Kellan
LOL fucking scottish

this is how fucking ignorant and generalizing you sound when you say such things as "You're american"

You just did the same

they were showing how dumb you sound when you generalize an entire nation.
Devo_Rizzle said:
have you ever seen the keyboardest for Abigail Williams?


She looks like an anime girl. Which is kind of creepy...

Anyway, coming from an American who has lived in America all his life I can confidently say that we are fat, stupid, lazy, ignorant, fat, conceited, fat, offensive, fat, fat, and stupid.
Devo_Rizzle said:
lmao. thats me. fuck you rohan for using the emoest picture you could find. im not looking down because i was sad. i waslooking down because i was attempting to immprov a pseudo-solo on a spanish-style guitar in guitar class. and it looks like im wearing makeup. im not, i just have rings around my eyes naturally haha.

BAAGHAAHHAA+ HUIH! I don't care how people dress, but if you're insecure about how you look, then there's something wrong with you and then you're gonna be offened by criticism.....You should've called or PMed your friend about this though because what you said does make you seem pretty damn insecure :lol:
HauknessX said:
they were showing how dumb you sound when you generalize an entire nation.

Begs the question though.. How do stereotypes come around?

And anyone who i like knows they are exempt from my anti-us jokes.. which they are.. jokes. So get out of your aine erse.
I took my hippy mate to see Nile in September. He listens to a bit of metal, but mainly stuff like The Doors, Pink Floyd etc.

He had no problems at all. He had a great time banging his head and watching Dallas and Karl going insane on guitar.

You may get a few looks here and there, but I doubt anyone will say anything to you.
-Gavin- said:
Begs the question though.. How do stereotypes come around?

And anyone who i like knows they are exempt from my anti-us jokes.. which they are.. jokes. So get out of your aine erse.

Haha, so true. Stereotypes are here for a reason. Except that the US is fat.

Thats just a fact.

Everytime I leave my goddamned house all I see are fat people. Sick.
hatecrewchick said:
Of all!!! replies...and Ralfs reply...:Spin:
sorry to say ralf, but sounds a bit gay;) :grin:
but still love ya ;) you know that:p
what? isn't he? :loco: