Ok so I've got a question regarding my friend

Noble Viking said:
Laiho will be 99923904578309478537450 x more manly than you by default. So yes, look more like Laiho and you'll be manlier.

because wearing eyeliner and having longer hair than most girls is so much manly right? im not disrespecting him in any way, i respect all musicians(besides ones who are in itfor the moneyand fame). but im not sure why my fellow fans of bodom like to act as if i look like a girl when really alot of metalheads look like ugly girls that wear baggy clothes.
Oh Man.... DEP suck so hard. I tried listening to their first release a few times.... Its just crap. My friend tried to tell me it was "artistic" and composed in ways "no music ever has..." blah blah.... suck suck... total crap.

Actually, If I were to take a hammer and pound nails into my head, DEP is the noise i'd imagine hearing while the metal pierces my brain...
Hah have him wear something black. Yep. Its nice to have black shirts, even if all my shirts are black. Its nice to know I can do all my laundry in 1 load.
Devo_Rizzle said:
because wearing eyeliner and having longer hair than most girls is so much manly right?

Did you forget what you look like?


Long hair > Your emo haircut
In Your Face said:
Oh Man.... DEP suck so hard. I tried listening to their first release a few times.... Its just crap. My friend tried to tell me it was "artistic" and composed in ways "no music ever has..." blah blah.... suck suck... total crap.

Actually, If I were to take a hammer and pound nails into my head, DEP is the noise i'd imagine hearing while the metal pierces my brain...

their newer stuff is less talking goofy stuff like "i will eat your soul" and more fast riffs, obscure time signatures and screaming. i cant listen to alot of their old stuff.

and that guy that said screamo, wtf? did you only hear "unretrofied"? because that song is stupid as shit. the song "sunshine the werewolf" is amazing. download it and tell me thats screamo or nu metal.
Turbo said:
Tell him to leave the accoustic at home, because it doesnt do him any justice. COB fans will think Green Day are the supporting act.

that was taking by this girl in guitar class. they dont have electrics in school. theyre too cheap.

and who ever said something about greenday, fuck you. greenday are stupid manufactured power chord pseudo-punk. real punk is just as gay though.