Ok your most embarrassing fave band/artist/song


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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Well since I am such a "TRU" metalhead... ha ha ha j/k, there is no real artist or band I am embarrassed about, but I heard this awesome ballad on the radio at work one day a couple of years ago. Though a very mature song that was sang with great emotics and style by a really good vocalist, it was still a "love lost" song.
I remembered as much of the lyrics as I could and went home (I was too busy to look it up on the work computer) and googled the lyrics. I received hits immediately. It turned out to be the mighty Back Street Boys "Incomplete." To this day, I still love the song, though. :notworthyI suppose even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.

I have two that raise eyebrows, but I'm not embarrassed by them:
Micheal Jackson/Steve Stevens- Dirty Diana
Janet Jackson- Black Cat
Hey !! You post at UMOS too. I am telling everyone there !! Ha ha ha. Just joking buddy. There wasn't many people that "hated" MJ back then really. The guy had EVH to play guitar for him.


I have two that raise eyebrows, but I'm not embarrassed by them:
Micheal Jackson/Steve Stevens- Dirty Diana
Janet Jackson- Black Cat
Hey !! You post at UMOS too. I am telling everyone there !! Ha ha ha. Just joking buddy. There wasn't many people that "hated" MJ back then really. The guy had EVH to play guitar for him.


What's UMOS? I hated both Jacksons back then. I hated Micheal since his Living Wall release. I hated Bad since the involvement of EVH got it played on Rock stations. Today I'm just apathectic about either of them. Still somehow, beating all odds, those two songs just struck me the right way.
Janet Jackson- Black Cat
Loved this song as a kid ... was the main reason I owned Rhythm Nation on tape. :grin: Although, I purchased the CD about a year or so ago (was 1.99 at local record store) and after spinning it, was not nearly as impressed as I remembered being as a youngin.

Other's that I get funny looks for or may ruin my metal-cred:
  • Bruce Springsteen - No matter how lack luster his newer material may be, I have been (since I was 5) and will always be a fan of this man's music - some eras more than others, though.
  • Disney Soundtracks - The first CD I think I ever owned (birthday gift) was the soundtrack to The Lion King. I own a bunch of these soundtracks, but not all.

By the way, I will openly admit that there are plenty of things that are still in my CD collection that I liked at one point (middle school and high school pop, punk and alternative stuff from before I really got into metal - Backstreet Boys, Celine Dion, SR71, etc.), but the only reason they are still there is because no used CD store will take them because so many others sold them back before I did.
Nothing to be ashamed about being different. I love sade. As far as Magius....sorry I thought you posted on UMOS. Your name looked familiar. Please don't bite my head off or I might sic The Backstreet Boys on you !!! >:

I don't think I like anything i'd be embarrassed of. I do love folk music (especially traditional irish/celtic) and stuff like Chris Isaak, old rock and roll, old country and Billy Joel, though.
Not really so bad, but perhaps stuff people wouldn't expect me to like:

1) all eras of the Beatles, though the stuff from Revolver on is what really yanks my chain
2) A disbanded Power/Pop outfit from Central Illinois called "The Spelunkers". Jaw droppingly good! Both cds of theirs, Breakfast Is America, & Demand Your Annual Rent, smoke....
3) I also liked the Janet Jackson tune "Black Cat" :heh:
I'll just make a little list..
all of N'Sync
Destiny Child (their 1st)
Toby Keith - 4 or 5 of his
Prince - a couple of his (the guy is MEGA talented)
Keith Urban - 2 of his
Shania Twain - one or two of hers...
Andrew Boccelli
Alanis Morrisette
Melissa Etheridge
The Muppets Christmas CD with John Denver - come on it came out on CD I had it as a KID and it STILL RULES!!!!
... and a ton of other non-metal/hard rock/ prog stuff...

Oh and bagpipe music - HELL YEAH!!! I've got 3 or 4 Rogues CDs, some Tartan Terrors and 3 CD collection of Celtic music and just discovered a kick ass group at closing weekend of the Maryland Renn Festival - Albannach.... 1 piper and 5 drummers.... The CDs aren't bad but they are 1000 times better live (they've got lots of short performances on YouTube!!)