Ok your most embarrassing fave band/artist/song

I'll just make a little list..
all of N'Sync
Destiny Child (their 1st)
Toby Keith - 4 or 5 of his
Prince - a couple of his (the guy is MEGA talented)
Keith Urban - 2 of his
Shania Twain - one or two of hers...
Andrew Boccelli
Alanis Morrisette
Melissa Etheridge
The Muppets Christmas CD with John Denver - come on it came out on CD I had it as a KID and it STILL RULES!!!!
... and a ton of other non-metal/hard rock/ prog stuff...

Oh and bagpipe music - HELL YEAH!!! I've got 3 or 4 Rogues CDs, some Tartan Terrors and 3 CD collection of Celtic music and just discovered a kick ass group at closing weekend of the Maryland Renn Festival - Albannach.... 1 piper and 5 drummers.... The CDs aren't bad but they are 1000 times better live (they've got lots of short performances on YouTube!!)

yeah don't tell me how good the MD Renn Fest was this year.. We just went to the one in Charlotte and it was lame... take MD and suck all the fun and attitude out of it.
Although I'm not embarrassed about it, I like 50s music like early Beach Boys and Jan & Dean. Basically surfer music. I also like a lot of that music from that era in general. Sleepwalk is one of my favorite instrumentals ever.

There's a bunch of older pop stuff that I really like that I'm almost embarrassed about. I'm a big fan of ELO. I like Shooting Star and Red Ryder, and stuff like that.

Oh. Here's one that I'm embarrassed about. I like the the two Vinnie Vincent CDs I have, but don't tell anybody.
Aqua & Rednex. Also the O-Zone song "Dragostea Din Tei" is awesome along with the

And the new codec for youtube is weird. That wasn't supposed to post the video in the post.
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I am not a big fan of the Boss, but I heard a new song entitled radio something on the NFL Network and it was actually a pretty monster song. I was rather impressed.


  • Bruce Springsteen - No matter how lack luster his newer material may be, I have been (since I was 5) and will always be a fan of this man's music - some eras more than others, though.
If you ever saw Mark Slaughter live, you wouldn't be too embarrassed about the VVI stuff. I am an old fart (though I still look good ha haha) and have seen everything from VH 1984 tour through six Progpower USA shows and I saw Slaughter in the late 90's and I put it in my top ten performances of all-time. I went to see Quiet Riot (who Slaughter was supporting) for nostalgia purposes and Mark's vocals peeled the damned paint off the walls. He was nothing short of amazing.


Oh. Here's one that I'm embarrassed about. I like the the two Vinnie Vincent CDs I have, but don't tell anybody.
ah yes...the "what do you listen to when you're not listening to metal" thought...

Neil Diamond
The Ramones
Barry Manilow (oh yeah - love me some Barry :rock: )
Dropkick Murphys
skinny and "fat dead on the toilet" Elvis
traditional Celtic music
Spice Girls

yeah...pretty much anything and everything