Your option out of here
Andrew Boccelli
Andrea Boccelli has some pipes!!
as far as owning "embarrassing" stuff...if you like it and you own it, don't be emabarrassed!
I have about 3,000 CDs. I'm sure some forum members would love to tear me a new asshole for being a big fan of....
Genesis- all eras. Hackett is a god, Phil is the man, and Tony Banks...

Tom Waits
Jimi Hendrix
Stone Temple Pilots- its diffuclt for me to honestly express how much I love this band!!!!
Strung Out- too punk to be metal, too talented to be punk!
TSOL- one of my all-time fav bands. I even appreciate those terrible "we wish we were GnR" albums.
New Bomb Turks
Agnostic Front
The Dwarves
...this list could go on!