Ok your most embarrassing fave band/artist/song

Andrew Boccelli


Andrea Boccelli has some pipes!!

as far as owning "embarrassing" stuff...if you like it and you own it, don't be emabarrassed!

I have about 3,000 CDs. I'm sure some forum members would love to tear me a new asshole for being a big fan of....

Genesis- all eras. Hackett is a god, Phil is the man, and Tony Banks...:notworthy
Tom Waits
Jimi Hendrix
Stone Temple Pilots- its diffuclt for me to honestly express how much I love this band!!!!
Strung Out- too punk to be metal, too talented to be punk!
TSOL- one of my all-time fav bands. I even appreciate those terrible "we wish we were GnR" albums.
New Bomb Turks
Agnostic Front
The Dwarves
...this list could go on!
Most embarrassing CDs in my collection? H.I.M.: Dark Light and Razorblade Romance. Catchy sound, though I often feel that I should have on something Hot Topic related when listening.
I'll second loving stone temple pilots and HIM's dark light is great, I haven't given their new disc much of a spin yet, i need to. I will also say I like linkin park's first cd, had a few good songs. Also, I like one disc from Stabbing Westward, can't think of which one it is right now, i need to go look.
I'm a huge Andrew Lloyd Webber fangirl, and have been since age...11? Somewhere in there.

Not particularly embarrassed about it, though.

I'll see you your ALW and admit to seeing Phantom of the Opera in the movie theater 21 times...

yes... 21 times... Hell of a lot cheaper than the DC theater ticket prices.. although I do want to see it in a real theater.. but damn, the Phantom ain't going to cut it after seeing GB pull it off on screen........... yum......

oh sorry... what was I saying>??? :cool:

Oh right - in my CD collection that would make those here chuckle... I have said Trixter disc previously mentioned.. I even think I got their 2nd release too... NOT good...
2 copies of the Phantom of the Opera movie soundtrack - deluxe (just in case the opened one gets messed up... yeah I know I have a problem... ) :p
but damn, the Phantom ain't going to cut it after seeing GB pull it off on screen........... yum......

See, this is what bothered me about the movie. The phantom is NOT HOT AT ALL. He's disfigured and ugly! Gerrard Butler made the hottest disfigured man EVER. And that's just not right. When I read an interview with...the director of the movie? I don't recall, who, exactly, but they said "the Phantom in the stage play is cold and insane. We wanted to show a warmer, more loving Phantom."

WTF??? NO! The PHantom IS cold and insane! He loves Christine, but it's ridiculously twisted as to HOW he loves her. That's how it is supposed to be! ARGHHHHHHHHHFolahbwoheqoinbaewno43hqpoaer *pounds forehead against keyboard*
See, this is what bothered me about the movie. The phantom is NOT HOT AT ALL. He's disfigured and ugly! Gerrard Butler made the hottest disfigured man EVER. And that's just not right. When I read an interview with...the director of the movie? I don't recall, who, exactly, but they said "the Phantom in the stage play is cold and insane. We wanted to show a warmer, more loving Phantom."

WTF??? NO! The PHantom IS cold and insane! He loves Christine, but it's ridiculously twisted as to HOW he loves her. That's how it is supposed to be! ARGHHHHHHHHHFolahbwoheqoinbaewno43hqpoaer *pounds forehead against keyboard*

And if you read the book Raoul was a pansy ass, Christine was whiny and cold to him for 70% of the book while Raoul stalked her basically... And the Phantom was even more sick n' twisted than the movie or the play...

Without boring everyone here wit the POTO movie details, I'll keep it brief - Christine saw him as she wanted - she was a nut job too; props to the cast for actually singing their own parts and I think they did the movie the way they did for the audience to buy into what & how Christine saw everything... and Gerard Butler kicked total ass at the Phantom; understanding, everyone has their faves :)

Ugh my brain hurts from having to think so early.. hehehehe
And if you read the book Raoul was a pansy ass, Christine was whiny and cold to him for 70% of the book while Raoul stalked her basically... And the Phantom was even more sick n' twisted than the movie or the play...

I've read the book so much I've lost count. LeRoux's novel is amazing. I wouldn't want to have to choose between the scorpion or the grasshopper.

Raoul IS a pansyass. No one will ever get me to think he's not. An actor in the London production came close, but the character is still a wuss.

I still stand by my earlier statement: The phantom should not be warm, caring, or intentionally sexy under any circumstances.