Ok your most embarrassing fave band/artist/song


I'm sure there are lots of embarassing items in there. :)

re RennFaires: Texas Faire (TRF) is biggest by area; Minnesota is biggest by attendance.
Maryland is smallest in weapons. (A 'no-weapons' policy is unusual at Faires, to say the least.)

Re boothworkers not in character: the general rule of thumb is, greet customers and farewell them with at least an attempt at being in character. In between, it's okay to drop the often-badly-faked accent :) , and Faire owner/operators don't expect transactions and product discussions to be handled in character. (How does one say "Sorry, the bank didn't like your Visa card" in RennSpeak? :lol: )

Of course, members of the cast and royal court are supposed to be in character all the time.
I forgot the biggest one of all. Ace of Base. While in college, a friend and I would blast their music at 2 am when stuck in the lab getting a project done (this was like 3 years ago, not 10)

Own that one too, should break it out one of these days.

...i can't remember my mom playing peter, paul and mary...but i grew up on the new christy minstrels, the chad mitchell trio, the kingston trio....i love folk music...my mom gave me her albums.... :)

My Dad and I used to dance around the living room to the Kingston Trio. He even got me all the sheet music, so I could play the piano with them.

All see all of your guilty pleasures and raise you Richard Marx.

Own Cds by him too. ;)
yeah don't tell me how good the MD Renn Fest was this year.. We just went to the one in Charlotte and it was lame... take MD and suck all the fun and attitude out of it.

I'm suppose to go down to CRF the 2nd weekend of November I believe to get initiated into the Clan M'Crack (semi long story) but I don't think I'm going to be able to make it...

Sucks to see the MDRF season end but the great stuff can't last forever!! You should come up one weekend when (and if) Albannach comes back next year, or check 'em out when they play down there... They just played an Irish pub in Raleigh this past Wed night...

Oh and MN Ren fest may have taken a turn for the worst - a pal from faire went and he said the faire grounds were absolutely gorgeous but the people (rennies) were horrible.. Royalty didn't talk to anyone but their own kind and if the regs didn't know you, they didn't hang with you either...

Texas, aka Scarbourough Faire, is the #1 faire in the country - MD is 2nd... I've heard the PA faire is kewl; it's just weird having a sheet of asphalt running thru it.....

I love faire - it's a completely different experience when ya garb up...
Nothing wrong with classical. I'm a big Grieg and Wagner fan. I like Chopin a lot too, but I don't have any.

Agreed - I LOVE classical.. I have double CD sets each of Beethoven, Bach, Mozart and Vivaldi...

And towards the discussion of Vinnie Vincent Invasion - I've got both those CDs too, plus Slaughter's first two - I got hair band stuff that some may have heard of from seeing their videos on Mtv (how I discovered them) but they hit right when Nirvarna - can't STAND that band, but gave Weird Al a great tune!! - showed up...

And yeah, Mark Slaughter is a singin' ma-hunchie~!!!
Texas, aka Scarbourough Faire, is the #1 faire in the country - MD is 2nd... I've heard the PA faire is kewl; it's just weird having a sheet of asphalt running thru it.....

I love faire - it's a completely different experience when ya garb up... [/COLOR][/FONT]

Scarborough is bloody awesome. Well, outside of the fact it's so hot that the Royal cast has pockets for dry ice built into their corsets and doublets. But that was always my favourite one. I miss living in the wrong state, outside of the fact I was never a fan of Tx.
Scarborough is bloody awesome. Well, outside of the fact it's so hot that the Royal cast has pockets for dry ice built into their corsets and doublets. But that was always my favourite one. I miss living in the wrong state, outside of the fact I was never a fan of Tx.

Hmm, is Scarborough "TRF"? (There are two sizeable Texas faires.)

I know TRF is the biggest in the country by area; big enough that it really requires two full days. MN is just a bit smaller, but does draw more people.
Nothing wrong with classical.

Not at all -- I probably go to more Phx Symphony performances in a year than metal shows.

And I'm not embarrassed by ANY of my CD collection...which includes ABBA, Yanni, Dead or Alive, Styx, and Winger. :)
Annie Lennox
Sade (pronounced SharDay I think)
Fleetwood Mac
Carole King
Frou Frou (Imogen Heap)
Petra (from 70s and 80s, not their newer junk)
Panjabi MC, State of Bengal (and other Bhangra music...love the sitar and dhol
Barlow Girls
Texas, aka Scarbourough Faire, is the #1 faire in the country - MD is 2nd... I've heard the PA faire is kewl; it's just weird having a sheet of asphalt running thru it.....

I love faire - it's a completely different experience when ya garb up...

Everyone I've talked to has told me TX is the largest, although I've never been and have not heard any comments on quality. Having been to both MD's and MN's fests, I would have to disagree and say that MN is #2 (both bigger and better). I would love to claim the number #2 spot for my home state of MD, but it is just not as good as MN's Fest IMO.
The paved walkway was one weird thing I heard about PA's Fest. The other was that their vendors acted like they didn't have the time or wanted to take the "trouble" to sell you anything. I also heard that a lot of their merch appeared not to be made by artisans, but sweatshop kids (read: Made in China stickers on items that friends purchased. :rolleyes:) The friends I know went a few years ago, though, so perhaps things have improved at PA's Fest.

And I also love getting dressed up for Renn Fest. Makes the experience all the better. :kickass:

On Topic:
Styx and Fleetwood Mac, also guilty pleasures.
Nothing wrong with classical. I'm a big Grieg and Wagner fan. I like Chopin a lot too, but I don't have any.

I like classical if it's upbeat enough. Mozart's 40th, Ravel's Bolero, Beethoven's 3rd and 5th symphonies etc.
As for Chopin, in a collage music appreciation class my professor played a piece written by Chopin as performed by about 10 annonymous Chopin "experts." By and large the class was unimpressed, until one version just clicked and was easily the class favorite. That version sounded completely different than all the others, and was almost wildly upbeat. The performer.... Liberace.
I forgot the biggest one of all. Ace of Base. While in college, a friend and I would blast their music at 2 am when stuck in the lab getting a project done (this was like 3 years ago, not 10)

Actually, the second, I think, song that Ace of Base made popular "Don't Turn Around" was also played by the late 80's hair band Eyes with Jeff Scot Sotto on Vocals. If you can locate it, they do a pretty kick ass version of that song.

I'm not really "embarrased" by anything I listen to. However, I've been told that I should be embarrased for listening to:

the new Avril Lavigne CD (which I FREAKING LOVE!!!!)
Fall Out Boy
The Little Mermaid Soundtrack
those damn "Now that's what I call" albums
and a few others I can't think of off the top of my head.
Okay, like many others in this thread I'm not ashamed of what I listen to. So, instead, what I listen to that ISN'T metal:

Jimmy Buffett
Billy Idol
Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band
Disney soundtracks
Movie scores (Especially for epic fantasy movies, those are always the best)
Harry and the Potters (and several other bands of that ilk)
OLD Avril Lavigne (I'm sure if I was first introduced to it now it'd be otherwise, but it was my first concert, and there are various other memories associated with her first two CDs from years ago, so it's more for personal reasons than a sheer enjoyment of the music)
blink-182 (First band I ever got into...)
Evanescence (Old favorite. Mainly stuff pre-Fallen, such as the old demos and the "Origin" CD)
....PA's Fest. The other was that their vendors acted like they didn't have the time or wanted to take the "trouble" to sell you anything. I also heard that a lot of their merch appeared not to be made by artisans, but sweatshop kids (read: Made in China stickers on items that friends purchased. :rolleyes:)

The bane of our existence at the GA Faire and a growing problem at many faires.

It's hard to sell quality handcrafted weapons when someone across the faire has cheap-shit, low-quality Pakistani-made daggers for $5 and swords for $10. Discerning buyers will know the difference, but they are too few.

Worst thing is, the importers pay a percentage of their gross to the faire owners (at GARF it's 40% of gross) for the right to sell, so faires will resemble low-class bazaars and flea markets more and more as time goes on. :waah:

Back on topic:

The most embarassing CD in my collection might be.....Trixter. :)
Back on topic:

The most embarassing CD in my collection might be.....Trixter. :)

Ooo! I own two of those. Trixter and Hear! Got them both out of $2 clearance bins at a used CD shop, and haven't listened to them in at least 10 years. You're right... pretty bad.
I like some Kelly Clarkson off the first cd. Incomplete isn't a bad song(my wife played it enough already though back when it came out). One of Damien Rice's cds is pretty good. I know somebody mentioned Sade, not bad either(one of my wifes fav), and some Shakira ain't bad, hehe. Then I like a lot of alternative rock stuff like Breaking benjamin, trapt, seether, evanesence, three days grace, alter bridge, some janes addiction, 10 years, and so forth. I can't forget Cherry Poppin' Daddies, they owned when i saw them live a few years back. I hung out with their drummer Tim Donahue for a couple hours and he is the biggest freakin metalhead, got me to check out a bunch of death/black bands(cause it was right around the time i was finally getting into the black/death stuff). I have to have something to break up listening to the new Soilwork nonstop, behemoth, pagan's mind, dream theater, mnemic, dimmu borgir, nevermore, arch enemy, these are the bands i have listening to most the last few months.