Old Katatonia Shirts!!!


December Soul
May 15, 2002
Palace Of Frost
although i´m katatonia-fan since 1993 i don´t have an old shirt. i never had the luck to get my ordered ones...shit happens!
but i´d give my soul for one! anyone who has the "for funerals..." shirt or another pre-"brave murder day" shirt please contact me! i have a lot of rare stuff for trade but i´d pay for it as well!

contact: norghash@t-online.de

um, heres a tip, go to the main site, then go to news, and they're selling a pack including something like:

BMD t-shirt (which you want, its rare im told)
Katatonia Lighter
Katatonia guitar pick
Tonights Decision Poster

and maybe something else, cant remember, check it out at www.katatonia.com
thanx for the hint but i couldn´t find anything at the news section. anyway, i´m not interested in a "brave murder day" shirt since i don´t like that album or the further ones. i´m only looking for older stuff, "for funerals to come" and before. the earlier the better...
hmn, i dont think i've ever heard of any older t-shirts than that, i doubt they exist at all, i've been to t-shirt sites and cant find any of the old shirts, maybe someone at Katatonia will print some of as a special thingy with the re-release of all the old EP's etc. on one cd, who knows.
there was a shirt for the "for funerals to come..." mlp back in 1995 or 1996. i ordered it five times from different mailorders but unfortunately never got it. but i definitely know it exists! on front there´s a woman sitting on a half moon, on back there is the "for funerals..." poem. great one!!! and there´s one more, the band sold it themselves i think about 3 or 4 years ago. should be one for the old fans i think. i´ve seen a pic on the homepage back then but it was already sold out...seems that i shan´t have the luck to get even one of them at all...i hope katatonia or their label will release at least one or better all shirts with the designs of the old albums, dance of december souls would be great but the others, too! i hope they´ll read my post and remember the great old days!!! :cry:
I have For Funerals To Come shirt but I would never sell it!! I also have that really old shirt where is naked woman on front. :p
Too bad you don´t have those shirts, but actually it was quite easy to get hold of For Funerals.. shirt about 7 years ago when I bought it.
i know this isn't what you're looking for, but i just feel like saying somethin, so deal with it :P i remember definitely seeing a brave murder day shirt on ebay a ways back, had the cover image on the front and some evil/cool slogan on the back or something :P either that or it just said brave murder day, i don't remember... yeah, and i realize that this post is pretty useless, i just haven't posted in a while and feel like it :)
I have a show from 1996 in which Anders and the other guitar player wear a Dance of December Souls t-shirt.

Ask Anders for it, perhaps he could give you this one.... :cool:
I have the Shadow Death shirt....I don't know what era it's from but it has the old logo on it with a naked woman sitting down and the Grim Reaper behind her. I got it from Anders a couple of years ago....they sold it via the Katatonia Mailing List and it came with a copy of FFTC...
i ordered the for funerals shirt (in 1995 i think) two times from nuclear blast and from two or three underground mailorders who had that longsleeve in stock. can´t remember exactly which ones but that doesn´t matter anyway because no mailorder in the whole world still has that shirt... :(