Old school Death/Doom mix Autopsy style


Mar 1, 2012
Hey guys,

This is a solo project of mine and I finally got to manage recording it.
Would love to hear some suggestions to make the mix better.

In case anyone is interested:
Vocals -> Shure PG48
Guitars -> TS7 -> Marshall JVM 210H -> Shure
Bass -> Sansamp BDDI
Drums -> NI Studio Drummer

Everything done by myself. Overlook the sloppy playing, I know I could be tighter and stuff,
but I also like to capture performances with flaws rather than an edited-to-hell-take.
The sound is meant to be raw but not underproduced.
I am actually pretty happy with it but I need outside opinions to get off of the project a little.

new link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ojwzb856uuv1by9/Casket.mp3

Thanks in advance!
I actually like this a lot. Those bendings make it sound fucking brutal.

I'm not too keen on the drums (esp. kick) but that's a personal thing, since I like a more refined sound. But you really hit the nail on this oldschool sounds, which i really dig.
I'm glad you like it!
I like my drums sound more like 'jazz drums' with much life and a very natural sound.
That whole metal drum thing of modern metal is just not really my thing.

Thanks so far, I'm hoping for some more comments!
Thanks for pointing that out!
I uploaded the song remixed and I hadn't thought about the link being invalid by now.
Should be working again.
The bass sounds a bit "metallic" in higher frequencies
But yeah, the track sounds pretty good!